
Join Your Type of Style NOW to get your SPECIAL BONUS

Style Type Explore and Clarify
Group Workshops

Hurry, you only have

minutes to get this special one time only bonus!

Beyond Style:  Discover YOUR type of style by unlocking the magic of your personality

This online program is for every woman who is tired of feeling inauthentic in her style.  Who wants to feel stylish on the inside as well as look fabulous on the outside.  Who knows that style is more than skin deep.

Whether you’re new to Psychological Type or an experienced practitioner, whether you’re naturally drawn to style or often feel clueless about what to wear, you will find this program takes you by the hand and leads you down your authentic style pathway.

Class starts 1 September

Enrollment Closes

Class starts 1 September

Enrollment Closes

You’re here for a reason …

You’re tired of feeling frumpy or insecure about your look – you don’t feel fabulous (at least not consistently) and nothing you wear ever really, truly feels like ‘you’!

You have lots of closets crammed with lots of clothing, but you often feel you have “nothing to wear!” – something’s not right with what you own  or you’ve just got no idea how to put what you have together!

Maybe you’re sick of shopping, buying items which seem fine in the store (the sales assistants tell you that you look amazing) …. but when you get it home you realize it’s just not right.  What’s the missing ingredient and why can you never find it?

Your look has become safe but dull.  You’re bored by everything you put on.  How can this be, when you’re following all the style rules?

Perhaps your wardrobe is uninspiring, when what you really want is to be delightfully creative with your style – you just don’t want to look foolish or like you’re trying too hard.

Your style isn’t keeping up with your lifestyle.  You’ve moved on but your wardrobe is still in the past.  How can you bring it up to date without breaking the bank or making costly mistakes?

Now is the time to listen to that inner voice inside that keeps whispering “it doesn’t have to be this way.  You can be stylish and get dressed each day in a way that both looks great and feels exactly right … if only you knew how…”

That inner voice is correct.  Your feelings are on point…

Since you’re reading this, you’re ready to change all that and turn those style negatives around.  Whether you know lots about your style and personality or a complete newbie to these subjects – whoever you are and whatever your personality — if you’re getting dressed every day and spending time with humans, here’s one thing that’s certain:

Developing your own personally authentic style can profoundly improve the quality of your life

We know this firsthand – with over 15 years as an image consulting touching millions of lives (Imogen) combined with over two decades as a corporate facilitator and entrepreneurs’ coach working with clients all over the globe (Jill) have given us a unique perspective:  building an authentic style from the inside out will give you access to something you may never have had before:  the very best version of you.

You’ll be confident and empowered from the inside out.  This confidence spills over into other areas of your life – your family, your work, your community and even your health.

Your world will improve in all kinds of ways and in all kinds of spaces.  When more women are true and authentic to their Style Type and understand how influential their personal style is on both themselves, and others, they change the lives of those around them – simply by being themselves.  Their authentic selves.

Style is never skin deep – true style goes right to the heart of who you are

Which is why we’re inviting you to join this unique world-class online program, Your Type of Style.

We’ll help you fast-track your personal style, achieve an authentic and inspiring wardrobe and save you years of expensive trial and error.

Discovering your Style Type is like opening a door into a space you never even knew existed – life is often never the same again, it’s that transformative.  Type offers an extraordinary opportunity to discover yourself and discover about yourself.  It’s a gift of extraordinary proportions, and after you’ve been using Type in your interactions and relationships for a while, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it – it’s life changing.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Your Type of Style

Whether you want to up your style game, understand how your personality influences your style, or just be able to feel amazing in your clothes every single day.   Your Type of Style can help.

This 12-month online style self-discovery program provides the crucial elements vital to your style success.

Clarity and Confidence

Set your own compelling style vision based on your Style Type and learn how to express who you are at your core on the outside through your clothes and image.  Become 100% confident in yourself as a beautiful woman of style – on your own terms and by your own definition.

Guidance and Respect

A step by step program full of videos, interactive explorations, playshops and intelligent information that will take you through a rich, robust and rewarding process to discover your authentic style.  There’s no fluff, no fillers, and no dumbing down.  You’re an intelligent, discerning woman with a unique personality and place in this world – and this program treats you that way.

Community and Support

Make connections, be inspired, get support and build relationships that last a lifetime with others also charting and travelling their authentic style pathway.  Provide support, insight, and encouragement to others that also builds your confidence and competence with your style.

Knowledge and Skills

Gain new skills and insights into your unique personality and style so you can create your own best style – a style you have defined for yourself and that makes sense to you, based on the life you have now and your personality preferences.

Personal Growth

This is much more than just a style program that tells you what to wear.  Inside this program are the tools and resources you need to fully understand who you are at your core including your innate gifts.  This program honors and helps you acknowledge what you bring to the world and how you can use your gifts to develop your own authentic style.

As past participants have said about the program

Your Type of Style is worth its weight in gold and is the gift that keeps on giving

Here’s What You’ll Learn to Develop Your Authentic Style Pathway

Your Type of Style is organized into 12 Modules.  All course materials, including videos, Module worksheets and playshops and additional resources are within our online member portal.

Find out more about how this program has benefited women of each Super Style Type: click on the SF button to learn how women preferring Sensing-Feeling benefited from the program, on the ST button to hear what women who prefer Sensing-Thinking say about the program, on the NT button to watch women who prefer iNtuition-Thinking share their ideas, and on the NF button to watch women who prefer iNtuition-Feeling tell you about what they gained from participating in this program.

Click on the two letter Super Style codes below to watch video interviews with women who have experienced the life-changing magic of this program








Not sure of your Style Type? That’s OK! You’ll discover that as part of the program!

What others have said…

Want to know more about Your Type of Style? Here’s what’s inside the program…


Your best style is built on it being authentic to you.

Your Authentic Style Pathway

In this Module you’ll look at your identity, your influencers and the style messages that have impacted on your style up ‘til now.

We’ll help you understand how others have impacted your style and help you harness what is authentic to you as you start developing your authentic style pathway free of the baggage you may still be carrying around.

By the end of Module 1 you’ll have a new insight and understanding of what is authentic to you and your style and how you can take this knowledge into developing your unique style.

One of the biggest things I got from the entire program came from this Module, responding to questions about style influencer’s and early messages we pick up about style. Gave me an opportunity to pay attention to that and as a result I gained some real healing. I’m extremely grateful for that – I feel like I’m a healthier stronger person now than I was before the program.

Kathy ENFJ


Whether you’re building a house or creating your authentic style, you need to have strong foundations.

Style Foundations

In this Module you’ll learn how your Style Type Pillars interact with your personal style values to create your Style Foundations.

No matter what your current style knowledge or clothing budget, you’ll develop a platform from which to express your personal style in a way that is authentic to you based on your style foundations.

This has been such a useful Module – I see much more clearly why I’ve made poor shopping and outfit choices in the past – with this information, I have hope those days are gone. I feel excited about the future!

Tracy INFJ

Module Three

Understanding what makes your style thrive and how you can draw on this will help you connect your style essence with your style expression.

Your Most Stylish Self

In this Module you’ll identify how and when your style is as its peak, exploring the conditions and climate that allow you to thrive with your style. You’ll clarify your most stylish self through guided exercises and connect your style essence with your style expression.

You’ll also define your unique style aesthetic, a guide you can use for life to keep your style on track and always authentic for you.

At the end of this Module you’ll know your signature style elements and when your style thrives so you can express your most stylish self more easily, every day.

What a powerful Module!!! WOW!!!

Julie ISTJ

Module Four

You’ll delve into you your Psychological Type (you four ‘letters’) and explore your natural gifts through this new understanding of who you are and how you function best.

Discovering Your Gifts

We know that authentic style comes from the inside out – it’s the key to feeling confident and looking authentic in your clothing.

Like color systems have moved past the very simple four seasonal approach, we’re using the most recognized and scientifically researched, thoroughly tested model of personality: the 16 Types.

At the end of this Module you’ll feel it’s not just okay to be you – but it’s great to be you! By discovering your approach to life and your gifts, you’ll become more aware of your natural energy flow which are so natural to your way of being.

This Module of working with and identifying our gifts really stuck out for me. So many things that are gifts for me as an ESFJ I didn’t know were gifts – I just thought they were things I liked to do and didn’t realize other people don’t have these same gifts. My gifts about style and harmony in particular – it was illuminating to recognize these as gifts as all my life I’ve gotten compliments about the harmonious and welcoming style I create, whether that’s my personal style or in my home. This opened up a whole new world to me!


Module Five

Your best style expresses your unique personality and the various ways you can use style elements to bring your style to life. This Module is devoted to the seven dressing styles and how you can access each in your own unique way – including how a woman of your Style Type may best employ each of the seven dressing styles.

7 Dressing Styles

You’ll explore the 7 personality Dressing Styles and discover how you can access each in your own unique way.

By the end of this Module you’ll be confidently choosing all the elements of your preferred dressing styles (including the fabrics, patterns, styles and colors of clothes and accessories) that reflect who you are and make you feel amazing every single day. You’ll also understand why some of the clothes in your wardrobe just aren’t right – imagine never making those same mistakes again!

I loved the wealth of information, that started flooding It’s all been such an eye opener and Module 5 was a favorite. To me it feels like going down a spiral staircase. You go in rounds, but each time you come to a certain point (or topic) you are at a deeper level. I love how everything I am learning goes back to the earlier Modules.

Julia INTJ


A mirror is a powerful tool that reflects your beautiful self and innate gifts.

Style Type as a Mirror

In this Module you’ll be diving deeply into some of the more complex aspects of Psychological Type that will illuminate your gifts and preferences and how these play out for you in your life and style.

Type is a powerful tool to understanding who you are, why you behave as you do, and how that impacts in various areas of your life. By the end of this Module you’ll have confidence in your way of going about style, rather than looking to others for information or reassurance, or constantly second-guessing yourself.
BONUS: Explore more on how your Style Type acts as a powerful mirror with the Module 6 Extension Program, included free as part of this online program.

Can I just say WOW.I feel like I am really starting to understand my own processes and when different functions are driving. Very exciting!

Leigh ESTJ

Module Seven

When you identify what you’re great at and what needs a little work you can start working with your strengths and becoming aware of your challenges and how you want to work with them to improve your style.

Style Strengths and Style Challenges

In this Module you’ll discover what you’re particularly – and naturally — great at by exploring your style strength and how you can use them to your full advantage.

You’ll also learn more about your style challenges and start creating your own personal action plan on how to mitigate them from your style.

What I loved after this Module is that the outfits I created during the Module playshops work in real life- not just on paper. They make me feel pulled together and harmonious!

Debra ISFJ

Module Eight

With a well-thought, out and beautifully-for-you arranged wardrobe, you’re going to find creating stylish outfits every single day a breeze.


In this Module you’ll explore how you can get the most out of one of the most precious pieces of real estate in your home (and life) – your wardrobe.

You’ll discover seven keys to effective wardrobing specific to your Style Type (not just a generic list for All Women), how to cull your closet in a way that is right for your Style Type, and be inspired to create a wardrobe space that works beautifully – and specifically — for you, your style, your life.

BONUS: Explore more about creating a wonderful, working wardrobe with the Module 8 Extension Program, included free as part of this online program.

What an enlightening Module! It’s transformational.


Module Nine

Self-care is an important part of every healthy woman’s life.

Grooming and Self-Care

In this Module you’ll discover the relationship between self-care with your authentic style and Style Type. Not all self-care is created equal and we explore ways you can be kinder to yourself on a more consistent basis through the lens of your Style Type.

You’ll look at how your physical needs impact on your style choices and have fun with playshops that explore the whole area of self-care and grooming, discovering how to incorporate this into your life in a way that is right for your Style Type.

I continue to benefit so much from since completing Your Type of Style program with the work I did on the self-care Module.

Tracy INFJ

Module Ten

Developing your personalized and self-determined set of style rules gives you the keys to the style kingdom in a way that externally provided rules never will.

Ideas and Inspiration, Shopping and Your Style Rules

In this Module along with developing your style rules, you’ll also explore your sources of style input, ideas and inspiration. You’ll delve even more deeply into your Style Type and discover just how it influences the way you shop and put together outfits. You will never shop the same way after you’ve completed this Module – you’ll know exactly how to shop for your Style Type.

I’ve learned what makes for a stress-free and efficient shopping experience for me.  Now when I shop, I feel in control and good about my shopping.  I’m now making informed choices instead of buying and returning all the time like I used to.

Tracey ISTJ

Module Eleven

Exploring ways to express your style authentically with the lens of your Style Type

Authentic Style Expression

From how color and contrast impact on your psychology and form part of your style expression, to how your lifestyle impacts on your clothing choices, in this Module you’ll be exploring ways you can take your wardrobe into the future. Explorations and playshops guide you through a discovery on how and where you spend your time, how your clothing communicates and how you want to be perceived so you build the wardrobe that will carry you where you want to go.

This Module was fun, and I loved all the playshops. It really helped me see how I use color based on my location and season.

Debbie ISFP

Module Twelve

Bringing the program together with your own personal operating manual

Your Style Blueprint

In this Module you’ll focus on your style blueprint to be your lifelong guide to authentic style. We take what you’ve learned from all the previous Modules and put it into action in a way that is completely tailored to your Style Type.

You’ll also explore how your style can change over your lifetime and create your action plan to support you as you continue along your authentic style pathway.

I’m so happy to be feeling more confident in my clothing on a daily basis and I have also appreciated the importance of having a signature rather than scattered style, and of expressing my authentic self through my style!

Julie ENFP


Join our Inner Circle and Experience a Deeper Level of Connection


You can be part of this no matter where you live – women from anywhere in the world can be part of a group coaching program, there are no geographical barriers, it’s all online.


You are making a commitment to a small group of others (fellow participants + your coaches) and each person is committing to showing up and being present, to completing explorations and playshops, to sharing learnings and insights, and to providing feedback to one another. Accountability has important impacts for maintaining sustained effort, remaining motivated and inspired, and creating significant results for each person.

Increasing Skills

Through group coaching, each person gets to hone their communication and interpersonal skills – listening, reflecting back, synthesising, questioning, sharing insights, holding tension, being present, being engaged, recognising areas for self-awareness, holding the space.


Each member of the group is on a similar pathway with a shared interest and aligned goals. Everyone wants to not only succeed and grow themselves, but wants the entire group to succeed and grow, as individuals and as a collective.

Personal Growth

This is much more than just a style program that tells you what to wear. Inside this program are the tools and resources you need to fully understand who you are at your core including your innate gifts. This program honors and helps you acknowledge what you bring to the world and how you can use your gifts to develop your own authentic style.

Being Heard and Different Perspectives

You’re an important part of a collaborative group learning environment receiving the benefit of the contributions of a small group of peers. You receive the benefit of ideas, input, feedback, and insights from women whose perspectives will often differ from yours, adding richness to your journey and understanding, you receive fresh ideas for solving problems and approaching challenges that you weren’t exposed to before — all in a deeply respectful and committed environment.


This format allows for deep exploration with a small group of people (each person chooses how deeply they wish to explore) – there is more time, less people (therefore less distractions or possibility posts/shares will be ‘missed’ in a larger group), and greater attention given to each individual.

Meets Multiple Learning Needs

Each individual has greater opportunity for their individual learning needs to be met in a small group setting. An aspect of Type that particularly affects learning is the E/I dichotomy: this format provides introverts time to reflect before scheduled events (Zooms, FB Lives), provides extraverts with a space to talk out loud with others.

Intimate Community

You will be giving and receiving support and encouragement for a year with other women sharing the style self-discovery journey, and will no doubt develop rich and rewarding relationships that may last a lifetime!

Focus, attention, and time from experienced coaches (Imogen & Jill)

Who together have over 40 years working with, supporting and encouraging, and developing people in a variety of settings from large group workshops and learning events to one-on-one coaching.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.


Get Started Now

Class starts 1 September

Enrollment Closes

Choose the Your Type of Style Plan that works best for you

YTS Class


One Payment Of





12 Monthly Payments Of





One Payment Of





12 Monthly Payments Of



  • 12 Month 12 Module YTS program

    Value $997
  • Private Facebook Community

    Invitation to Private Facebook Community with other YTS participants
    Value $500
  • 12 Monthly Module-based Q&A Video sessions

    With Jill and Imogen answering your questions
    Value $2400
  • Best Fit Type Process and Style Type Report plus exclusive Finding Your Type Video Guide

    Value $146
  • Masterclass

    Understanding the 16 Style Types Masterclass
    Value $199
  • Learning Needs for the 16 Style Types

    Value $99
  • Lifetime access

    To the program and all updates
    Value $997 per year!
  • Limited spaces

  • Group Coaching

    2 x YTS Inner Circle group video coaching calls per month for 12 months with Jill and Imogen where you get to ask your specific type and style questions and receive personal coaching as part of your membership of this exclusive group
    Value $9600
  • Private Facebook Community

    12 months YTS Inner Circle Private Facebook Community with ongoing engagement from Jill and Imogen
    Value $5000
  • Best Fit Type One-on-One Coaching

    One-on-one Best Fit Type Preference verifier coaching session with either Jill or Imogen
    Value $200
  • Additional One-on-one Coaching

    Two additional coaching session focusing on whatever topics you choose throughout the 12-month program with your choice of either Jill or Imogen
    Value $400
  • Total Value

  • $595
    Or instalment plan
    $59 per month for 12 months
  • $5,338

  • $9,900
    Or instalment plan
    $999 per month for 12 months
  • $20,538

Class starts 1 September

Enrollment Closes

Secure Checkout

Your information is 100% protected

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Try Risk Free – 14 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. See our Terms and Conditions for more details.

Need Help or Have Questions?

We’re happy to answer any question you might have and help you make the wisest choice for you.

Enrol now and get these resources and masterclasses, FREE as soon as you sign up!

Bonus 1: Your Style Type Report plus 1 Hour Finding Your Best Fit Type Video

Value $146USD – Included with Your Type of Style program

Discover your Style Type and Get Your Style Type Report which includes additional videos that bring your Style Type Report alive, plus resources to assist you in defining your authentic style expression.   The additional resources – Your Style Profile and Get Traction Resource — are tools you can use immediately to start turning your style ideas into reality, with your style essence as the starting point.  Your Style Type Report value $47

Plus exclusive to the Your Type of Style program we include our Finding Your Best Fit Type Tips Sheet and 1 hour video guide valued at $99

Bonus 2: Understanding the 16 Style Types – Video Masterclass

Value $199USD – Included with Your Type of Style program

Watch this 1.5 hour webinar at a time that suits you and discover more about each of the 16 Style Types.  You’ll be sharing the private Facebook Group with women of all Style Types so having a broad understanding of each of the 16 Types will be helpful to you in the Group.   Learn more about yourself and your personality preferences, along with the insight into each of the 16 personalities in this video bonus.

Bonus 3: Learning Needs for the 16 Style Types

Value $99USD – Included with Your Type of Style Program

Discover how your Style Type learns best.  This amazing resource will help you understand your own learning preferences and how they may come into play during this highly interactive online program.   A lifelong tool you can keep forever, you can refer to this resource throughout the entire 12 Modules of this program.

Your investment in Your Type of Style includes:

Best Fit Type Process plus Finding Your Style webinar

An Introduction to the 16 Style Types Masterclass

16 Style Types Learning Needs and Strategies power resource

12 Month – 12 Module Online Program – Your Type of Style

Program valued at over $5338USD

Meet the Creators

Imogen Lamport AICI CIP is an international Certified Image Professional, winner of the illustrious AICI Jane Segerstrom Award for promoting a positive image in society, and a qualified Type Practitioner.  Her passion is helping women to discover the colours and styles of clothing that makes them shine and feel amazing every single day.   Having worked with thousands of women from around the world to discover their authentic style, Imogen knows that personality is the key to unlocking your style.  She writes the award-winning style blog Inside Out Style, has developed the 18 palette Absolute Colour System and teaches aspiring image professionals the science and art of colour and style through her Academy of Professional Image.

Jill Chivers is an experienced, expressive, and empathetic corporate facilitator and coach and has worked with thousands of leaders and emerging leaders around the globe for over two decades.  Her client roster includes high performing blue-chip organizations along with creative entrepreneurs.  A certified practitioner of Psychological Type, Jill is a master facilitator with a special affinity for designing and delivering impactful learning experiences that change thinking, feeling, and behavior for good.   Her other qualifications include an MBA, certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming and along the way she became certified as a professional facilitator and an image consultant.  Jill’s superpowers include blending methods and modalities to create unique learning experiences that stick.

Supporting You Through the Program

Technical Issues

If you have technical issues, get in touch with us via email and we’ll take care of  you as quickly as we can.


In our private, member-only community, you can share ideas, get feedback, connect with other participants of the program.  You do need a Facebook account to join the private Facebook Group, but you don’t need to use Facebook for any other purpose than participating in this Group if you choose.

Your Questions Answered

Each Module includes a Facebook Live session with Jill or Imogen where you have the opportunity to submit questions to be answered around the month’s module materials.   These sessions are recorded and can be watched again and again at any time.

Everything is Online, No Travel Required. Learn at your own pace.

The program is based online so you can participate from the comfort of your own home or anywhere in the world so long as you have a computer or tablet and access to the internet.

You have lifetime access to the program, so you can go through the material each month as it’s released in the member portal, or you can work at your own schedule.

You’ll also be able to share experiences and learnings, ask questions, and connect with fellow Your Type of Stylers online.

Let’s Sum it Up

Here’s everything included in your program

Keen to know the enormous value you’ll get in this program?  Let’s sum it up.

This 12 Module program has taken over 4 years to develop and many decades of experience working with these concepts with clients in both the Psychological Type and image consulting fields.  We’ve distilled, refined, and packaged all this experience and expertise for you in an easy-to-follow format that gets results.

  • 12 in-depth interactive Modules combining style and personality in a unique, powerful, and intelligent way
  • Bonus Resources – Your Style Type Report plus Finding Your Best Fit webinar, 16 Types masterclass webinar, 16 Types Learning Needs cheat sheet
  • Monthly Facebook Live events with Jill and Imogen where your questions are answered
  • An instant global community – this community will provide support, encouragement, and insights into your Style Type as you progress through the Modules. The community element of this program is amazing and the more you share, the faster your style will develop and grow
  • Lifetime access to the program materials and any new materials that we develop into the future

Get Started Now

Need Help or Have Questions?

We’re happy to answer any question you might have and help you make the wisest choice for you.

Here’s Proof that Your Type of Style Works

Your Type of Style was a cathartic experience. This program is so much more than ‘style’ in the sense of what you wear. It’s an exploration of the styles of relationships and interpersonal communication which has helped me find a way to understand and find common ground with others as well as express my authentic self in a way that allows others to understand what makes me tick.

Merrit INFP

I am finally dressing to my personality, and now = my inner world is being outwardly expressed and it feels great.

Debbie ISFP

Your Type of Style has taught me how to express my authentic style creating outfits that look great and are really me. I discovered how little it takes to change an outfit that I used to not like to one I do. This is really valuable to me and saves me a lot of frustration and money!


The biggest takeaway from doing Your Type of Style for me is to honor myself and listen to that inner voice. I had been content to learn “the rules” that work with my body shape and coloring, figuring that’s all it takes to be stylish, forgetting to consider my personality in the mix. There is so much content to learn in each of the Modules and I find myself going back to a previous one to dig deeper. I am thrilled to have lifetime access to the material, to start again on a deeper level.


Prior to YTS I was struggling with how to perfect my style. I now have a greater understanding about my type. I am more accepting of some of my character traits because I understand myself more now. Things that I viewed as failures in myself, I no longer view that way. That has been huge for me. This realization has also helped me refine my style. I have a greater sense of what I want my style to be.

There were so many ahas. doing the program and I have also realized that it is a journey. It’s going to be an ongoing process as my lifestyle changes.

Laurie INTJ

Before I started Your Type of Style I’d been struggling to successfully apply all the knowledge I’ve gained about style which has been a lifelong interest. I’d learned a lot but was never pulling it off right.

Since joining YTS I’ve discovered that one big problem I had was the image I had of myself wasn’t accurate. It didn’t fit with who I actually was. Your Type of Style has had so many positive impacts, my closet now makes sense and it makes me happy as everything in it suits me. I’ve discovered how I can pull-off looking laid back yet stylish and pulled together. I now shop in a dramatically different way as I’ve discovered what really works best for me and I no longer feel the need to buy clothes so often! Plus I’ve also become much more tolerant and understanding about the people in my life who are wired differently to me. I’ve had so many aha moments since joining the program.


What Sets Your Type of Style Apart from Any Other Personality Style Program


  • Your Type of Style combines style and image concepts with the world’s most trusted researched and used personality system – Psychological Type (often known as Myers Briggs or MBTI) – in an intelligent, sophisticated, and encouraging way
  • Written by two global experts: Jill Chivers, a Psychological Type expert with over 20 years global experience and Imogen Lamport, a world-leading, award-winning image consultant of over 15 years.  Jill and Imogen have combined their knowledge, expertise, and experience to create this world-first, world-class online program for intelligent women seeking authentic style – not just a quick fix
  • Designed using solid Psychological Type framework, with a sophisticated and intelligent design based on years of research and development
  • Program designed by a globally experienced master facilitator with a deep understanding of and experience with best practice adult learning concepts
  • Lifetime access – retake the program again and again for free

Join Your Type of Style to Develop Your Most Stylish Self – and improve the lives of those around you

Our members have discovered that doing this program improves their whole lives, not just their style. They have improved their relationships both at home, in their social lives, and at work. This program has a positive flow-on effect like no other Style program.

It is hard to pinpoint the most valuable aspect of this program because there were so many. Identifying my personality preferences was key and not something that I had truly understood until I went through this in-depth and personalized program. Understanding myself and how my decision making process works continues to be beneficial across all aspects of my life and gives me a sense of freedom and joy.

Cathy ENFP

Top FAQs

Q: I’m a total newbie and don’t know anything about Type or Style – will Your Type of Style work for me?

A: Yes, the program is designed to improve the style of women from all ends of the style and self-discovery spectrums. Within the program you will be given many resources and thorough Type knowledge to help you understand your Psychological Type and the explorations and playshops will assist you in developing this knowledge. As Your Type of Style is not a style consultation program (such as what specifically suits your body shape), as we know that physicality is NOT related to personality, we provide useful links and resources for this specific information should you wish to pursue discovering it. What the program does do is show you how to express your style through your clothes and accessories (which is integral in actually finding a style that makes you feel authentic and true to yourself).

Q: I am quite advanced with my style and/or familiar with the Psychological Type framework (or both). Will I gain much of value from this program?

A:  Yes, you will.   The program is highly interactive, so you can participate at your own level.  It has been designed and created by two global experts in both style and Psychological Type, who have each helped advanced students to develop their skills and confidence in their respective areas of expertise.   This is an intelligent program, with no fluff or fillers, and certainly no dumbing down.  Women who already know and have experienced a lot in either (or both) field of style and Psychological Type will find new experiences, new exploration pathways – and through that new insights and discoveries.

Q: Do I need to do Your Type of Style at certain times or can I access the materials anytime I want?

A:  Your Type of Style is delivered in monthly Modules, with each Module becoming available on the 1st of the month over 12 months.  You have lifetime access to the materials and can work through them at a pace that suits you.  You can join in on our monthly Facebook Live video Q&A chats or can watch the recordings afterwards.  It’s up to you!

Q: Can you clarify the class concept and how it works - will I be online doing a class with other members, can I move at my own place and come back to parts of the program at any time and if so, how will this affect my participation with my class?

A: Your class is the group of participants who join the program when you do – we anticipate one to two enrollments per year though this is not yet confirmed.

Each class has its own closed (private) Facebook Group so that the discussion on the group is focused on the month’s module. Each of the 12 Modules is scheduled on a monthly basis – you will receive notification on the 1st of the month that the next Module is available, and you can then log into the membership portal on the website and access that Module and work through it.

Each Module has a PDF you can print or type directly into with Explorations and Playshops to participate in, as well as videos to watch at a time that suits you – this is the format of the curriculum.

You can self-pace as you wish, although if you go slower than the monthly schedule, you may find yourself out of sync with your fellow participants on the closed Facebook Group, but you have the option to catch up to your class when you have more time.

You can repeat sections of the course if you wish, or the whole course should you choose to as you have lifetime access and the opportunity to join in again in another class should you choose to.

Q: I know that if I commit fully and apply what I learn I’ll get tremendous value. That said, how much time do I need to set aside each month?

A: Our previous participants have said that they have found the program takes somewhere between 5 and 20 hours per Module.  That’s partly based on your personality type – different Types move through the materials at different speeds.

You will need to commit time every month to each Module.  The program is highly participatory – it’s not the equivalent of a lecture, it’s a content-filled workshop where the more you’re involved and engaged with the material, the more you’ll learn and take out of it.

Q: I’ve got a holiday booked, or a big work program during some of the program, will I miss out?

A: We realize that “life happens” and sometimes you can’t commit time every month to each Module.  You won’t miss out at all, as you have lifetime access to the materials and can complete the program later at a pace that suits you.

Q: If I miss this enrollment do I have to wait a year for my next chance?

A: At this stage this program is new and we will definitely be doing 1 intake per year.  If we have a high demand we will offer a 2nd intake in 6 months time, but at this stage we are not sure.  We will be taking a waitlist after this class is closed for those interested in being notified when the next class becomes available.

Q: I’d like to go faster than 12 months. Can I get all the materials at once?

A:  As appealing as this idea seems at face value, we’ve discovered that it’s far from ideal.  By delivering the Modules as we’ve arranged it – one Module per month — you have the time and space to fully absorb the rich information in the program and process it thoroughly.  If you are moving at a faster pace than others, we encourage you to go deeper and get even more from the program through deep dives.

Plus working through it with your class creates the ideal space for sharing ideas, inspiration, and information – including being there for others to support and encourage them!  Real conversation and connection take time – best not to rush.

Q: Will I speak with or get feedback directly from Jill and Imogen?

A: This program is set up to be in a DIY format, which is why it’s priced as low as it is.  Each Module, Jill or Imogen will lead a Facebook Live event – a great opportunity to get questions answered and interact with the program creators.

Should you feel the need to get direct feedback or coaching from Jill or Imogen, you can book a one-on-one coaching session through the membership portal at an additional cost.

Our Inner Circle option includes feedback with Jill and Imogen in the VIP Inner Circle Facebook Group as well as regular group coaching calls plus individual coaching calls – see here for more details (and the link to the stuff about the inner circle that you’re adding in)

Q: I already have my Style Type Report. Is there an additional discount?

A: We decided to include the Style Type Report as bonus of the online program for two reasons.  Firstly, for those who don’t have their Report to get theirs, as it forms an integral part of many of the Modules.  And secondly, as some people may wish to revisit their Best Fit Type as part of the program.  The program is currently at a launch discount price compared to what it will become in the future, with 3 excellent Bonuses included for free, so no there is no additional discount.

Q: What if I try Your Type of Style and it doesn’t work for me – can I get a refund?

A:  We want this program to work for you, which is why we’ve described it as thoroughly as possible on this webpage, including sharing what others have gained from participating in it.  The program has been designed in such a way that if you participate as fully as you can as the program is intended, the value and benefit to you will surely flow as day follows night.

That said, should you wish, if you pay the full amount up front you can request a refund within 14 days of receiving the first Module and we will refund you, no questions asked.  If you are paying month by month, you can simply stop your payment at any time should you wish and your program will stop.   After the first 14 days of the program, no refunds are given and we consider that you have committed to the program for the 12 months.

Q: What happens if I miss a monthly payment?

A:  If you’re on the payment plan and miss a monthly payment, your program will automatically stop at that point, and will not be able to be access the materials until your payment has gone through. You can contact us immediately (you will be notified if this happens) to update your credit card details so you don’t get behind your class.

If you’ve read this far you owe this to yourself …

If you’ve read this far, give yourself the gift of honestly answering these questions:

What if just one idea in Your Type of Style …

Helps you connect to your style in a way you never have before, giving you the keys to the style kingdom to express your style in a unique, beautiful, and confident way, a way that comes from your core (not random fashion advice)?

What if just one strategy in Your Type of Style…

Saves you money and time as you discover something about your own shopping habits that had you wasting hundreds or thousands of dollars each year (which turns into thousands and thousands over a lifetime)?

What if just one exploration in Your Type of Style…

Helps you identify what your gifts are, and makes you feel that it’s not only okay to be you – it’s great to be you! From there, you can confidently identify what is and isn’t working for and your style – in a way no other woman on the planet can inhabit her style. What impact will that have on your confidence, your relationships, and your connection to yourself?

What would these changes realistically be worth to you over the next 12 months, let alone the rest of your life?

$1000 … $10 000 … $20 000 or more?

How much have you wasted on poor wardrobe choices already up until now? Did you know that the average wardrobe is worth $12 000 and yet most people are wearing only $2000 of their clothes regularly? That’s an insane $10 000 worth of clothing going to waste! What else could you have spent that $10 000 on? Consider the experiences could you have had, the vacations, the learning events, or the ways you could have helped other people!

And that’s not factoring in the lost time spent on second-guessing yourself and your style, the emotional cost of feeling insecure or flat with your style choices, and not having the self-assurance to be who you truly are. Too much style advice is generic and meant for Every Woman, and you’re far from that – you’re a unique and beautiful woman who needs solutions tailored specifically for her. You need a style solution that recognizes who you are from the core – not just which pair of pants will flatter your figure.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t miss your chance to finally developing the style you’ve been dreaming of and becoming the woman you were meant to be.

Get Started Now

Need Help or Have Questions?

We’re happy to answer any question you might have and help you make the wisest choice for you.


Isn’t it time you took charge of your style and discovered how to feel and look truly authentic and right in your clothes?   Don’t wait – enroll now!

©2025 16 Style Types


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