Ready to make your style dreams a reality?
Have you ever wondered why some women seem to inhabit their style so completely, so naturally, so uniquely, when maybe you seem to struggle and chafe against an idea of style that isn’t quite yours or to try to subscribe to an ideal of style that doesn’t quite fit you?
It’s easy to become overwhelmed, confused, disenchanted, blasé, skeptical, cynical or simply bored with the sheer number and variety of (not to mention inconsistencies in) those style messages. Style can seem so hard to get right.
Right now, so much of the style information available to you confuses and overwhelms. It’s trivial and superficial, it’s inconsistent and lacking in relevance to you.
You are:
- An intelligent woman,
- A woman of substance,
- A woman with many facets to who she is, what she thinks and feels, and what she does.
You want:
- Style information as intelligent as you are
- Style information with substance that honors all that you are
- Style information that doesn’t belittle or reduce, generalize or confuse.
You want a style solution that caters to YOU – not cookie cutter advice designed for Every Woman.
Don’t you wish you could find an intelligent, thorough and meaningful system for cutting through the style hype and getting to the essence of what style is for you?
You’ve been heard
We have cut through the fashion hype and uncovered the style essence that makes style meaningful.
We have created a style approach that treats you not only as a human being but a unique and wonderful woman.
What is 16 Style Types?
It’s style + type
Style =
How you dress and present yourself, your style pillars and values, your style strengths and style challenges, how you shop and where your style ideas and inspiration come from, your approach to establishing and maintaining your wardrobe, your approach to getting ready for the day, what priority you place on style and its significance to you, how you develop your style throughout your life, and ultimately how you express your style to the world.
Type =
Who you are, your psychological type. Your natural tendencies, your innate personality preferences. Why you are the way you are, how you see the world, how you make decisions, what energizes you, where you get your most trusted information from, what drives you crazy and what makes your heart and mind sing. When you understand your personality preferences, your ‘type’, you can better appreciate, rely on and use your natural gifts.
Why 16 Style Types?
There’s 16 because there are 16 psychological types according to the Jung/Myers Briggs model of personality (you may know of this through tools such as the MBTI®).
16 Style Types is like nothing you’ve seen or come across before. We’re not boasting, we’ve just done the research and know that no other system like this has been created before. We’re excited by that, and we can’t wait to share 16 Style Types with you.
Who are we?
Jill Chivers

Jane Kise

Imogen Lamport

Worldwide authority on psychological type, Dr Jane Kise is the author or co-author of over 20 books on psychological type, leadership, education, and communication. An award-winning leader in the psychological type field, Jane shares her depth of knowledge through widely, from a TED talk to corporate workshops and international conferences.
World-class expert on style, Imogen Lamport is a leader in the world of image consulting and reaches millions of women every year through her refreshingly intelligent and insightful style blog. Regularly called to speak at professional international conference and in the media on image related topics.
Global facilitator Jill Chivers is both an image consultant and psychological type expert, bridging the worlds of type and style. A regular on the media circuit Jill shares her expertise online as well as being hired by global firms to facilitate impactful learning programs.
My report was amazingly accurate! Did you get into my head and read my thoughts?? Wow! what an incredible amount of insight. Thank you!
Awesome report!! It is so thorough and so interesting, and I found it very practical and useful.
This is a fabulous report – very descriptive, insightful, informative, interesting and easy to read. I would recommend it to other women. The style strategies are very helpful, and it has added something invaluable to my understanding of both my personality and my style.
You nailed the styles and certainly nailed the characteristics in my personality. It really highlights and underscores that personality is a huge influence on style and clothing choices.
Goosebumps!!! Tears of having my INFJ challenges clarified and clear solutions offered.
Wow. It was more accurate for me and in more ways than I’d have expected. It clarified so much about why it often felt like I was hitting my head against a wall. It’s not that I lacked style, I simply had one all my own that didn’t show up in magazines, in corporate boardrooms, or in any other system of style I’ve come across.
What’s inside my Style Type report?
How do I discover my style type and download my report?
It’s easy to follow these simple steps to discover your style type, if you don’t yet know or want to confirm and be confident in your style type. The process is entirely online, access it from anywhere using your tablet, laptop or desktop – not phone – for best onscreen experience:
- Make your purchase
- Receive your login via email (check spam/junk)
- Login via email instructions
- Discover your style type- Best Fit Type Process
- Make selections and confirm your style type
- Download your Style Type Report
How does the Best Fit Type Process work?
Our innovative custom-made 3 step Best Fit Type Process is a new way of discovering your personality type, resulting in highly accurate, validating and transformative results. Once you have purchased and logged in, the steps to discovering your style type and receiving your report are:
- Watch videos
- Read type descriptions
- Review infographics
- Compare preferences and make your choices
- Confirm your style type
- Download your 30 page Style Type Report
You’ll love your Style Type Report and will use it as your lifelong guide to navigate, embrace and fall in love with your style.
I’m amazed! My style report is extremely thorough and very much reflective of me. With any type of profiling, I believe that it’s almost impossible to connect with every single statement and to have such resonance over a detailed report like this is just brilliant.
What an eye-opener! I would highly recommend this to other women…my dear friend is an INFJ and I cannot wait to share this with her because I know it will unlock the door for her as well as myself in figuring out why we are stuck!
My report connects style and personality in a way I’d never considered. It validates and justifies the way I’ve approached style my whole life. I wish I had this 25 years ago. For a long time, my personality was at war with what other women always seemed to wear to work. For the longest time, I thought I lacked style because ‘stylish’ women dress differently to me – when all along I’ve had plenty of style, just not the kind people – and the fashion industry – tried to tell me I ‘should’ have.
At least 90% of the Style Report resonated with me. Very interesting. Well researched and presented.