Module 1 – Your Authentic Style Journey

Welcome to the program

It’s Time To Discover Your Authentic Style Journey

Welcome to Module 1 of Your Type of Style.

Our goal is to support you in coming home to your most stylish self, through a smart and perceptive meshing of style concepts with the world’s most trusted and recognized personality theory, the Jung/Myers Briggs ‘psychological types’.

Remember to pay attention to your pace and learning preferences.  We hope you experience it as an illuminating and empowering program that guides and supports you in your journey of authentic style self-discovery.

This is Module 1 in the 12-module program.  Each module is designed to empower you to explore your Style Type and journey along your self-defined style pathway.

In this module, we’re going to set the scene for the remainder of the program by exploring the intricate and intriguing territory of what authentic style means and is for you.  We’ll then discuss issues of identity and finish up with explorations around the style messages you carry with you, consciously and otherwise.

Remember that this program is designed around your participation, so please have your notebook (online and/or hard copy) ready to capture your responses.  There’s lots to explore so let’s get started!

Below is your Module 1 Download that includes all the module information, explorations and playshops in the program.  You will find one of these in at the start of each Module to download.

Don’t forget to look out for the video icon inside the PDF downloads which alert you to the fact that there is an accompanying video here on the Membership Program portal to watch – just look for the title of the video in  Module Menu (to the right) to find the right one.

16 Style Types Overview

As you’ll be interacting with other Style Types in this program, we thought you’d find an overview of the 16 Types would be a useful resource.

What’s in Module 1 – Your Authentic Style Pathway

In this module we’re going to set the scene for the remainder of the program by exploring what an authentic style journey is for you.  We’ll then discuss issues of identity and finish up with explorations around style influencers and style messages.

  • Authentic Style Pathway –how you’ll know you’re on the right track
  • Issues of Identity – your identity and its influence on your style
  • Style Influencer’s – who have influenced your style, and who you influence in turn
  • Style Messages – the messages you’ve received regarding your style through your life
  • Playshops and Explorations
  • Wrap Up

Setting You Up to Succeed

Just like with any journey, you need to discover where you have been in the past, where you are on the map right now,  and then have an idea (and often a plan) of where you are headed and want to get to.  This helps you to decide which route to take, whether it’s the scenic or most direct.

During this Module you’ll be asked to look at your past, your present and your future regarding your style.  You haven’t grown up in a vacuum and the past will have impacted on your style in some way, even if you’re not especially conscious of those influences.  You also need to know where you are at this moment in time, the reason you’ve chosen to be here is important to understand so you know which way to point yourself to get where you want to go.  And finally, there’s looking towards your most stylish future.

You may find some parts of this process easier than others.  It’s worthwhile working through this Module’s explorations with an open heart and mind to what you might discover.  You may uncover keys to style doors that have been blocking your way.  If you love hands-on exploration into your style, that’s included, too.  Module 1 is designed to set you up to succeed for the entire program, and well into your most stylish future.

We’ll begin our Explorations with you – on what you wish for your authentic style journey, what it is (or could be) and how you can create it for yourself.  Get ready for some stimulating questions to get your style ideas going!

©2025 16 Style Types


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