Module 5 – Dressing Styles for Your Style Type

Welcome to the program

In this 12-module program, each module focused on various elements of your Style Type, we aim to empower you to explore your Style Type and chart and travel your self-defined and beautiful style pathway.

In this module, we’re going to explore the 7 Dressing Styles and how you can access each of them in your own unique way.  You have access to all 7 Dressing Styles, but the way you will choose to put them to use in expressing your style will be like no other woman’s style expression!

This module is broken into two parts, the first part here contains extra information and lots of videos to watch to help you more fully understand the expression of each of the 7 Dressing Styles.

Here’s your Module Download – it’s time to learn more about your style expression and the 7 Dressing Styles!

What’s In Module 5

Part 1 of this module introduces the 7 Dressing Styles and how you can access them in your own way, as a woman of your Style Type.

  • Understanding the 7 Dressing Styles in more depth and detail
  • How a basic outfit can be tweaked using different Dressing Styles
  • How you can use accessories to express your personality
  • How to interpret the Dressing Style of various prints and patterns
  • The personality of scale and using it to express your style
  • The personality of shoes
  • Combining the Dressing Styles to fully express who you are
  • How your life, geography and other factors impact on your clothing and style choices
  • Playshops and Explorations
  • Wrap Up

For any exploration – if you can’t leave the house why not do the exploration with what you already own!

©2025 16 Style Types


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