Unlocking the Magic – Image Professional’s Handbook



Inside your Unlocking the Magic Image Professional’s Handbook, you receive a beautiful 4-page PDF on each of the 16 Style Types–designed specifically for image professionals. You also receive a comprehensive Guide for Use, to help you get the most out of Unlocking the Magic and facilitate your style sessions.

Each Unlocking the Magic Handbook contains:

  • A window into your client’s style type–what matters to them, including core motivation, style strength, style challenge, and style approach.
  • A description of that Style Type’s drivers and needs, and what you can expect their style requirements to be.
  • A set of do’s and don’ts on how to provide sessions that meet the specific needs of a client of that Style Type.

Imagine knowing exactly how to approach each client — to know if it’s best to head straight into the wardrobe for a practical, hands-on dress-up session with your client, or if she would prefer a more theoretical approach to your style consultation… whether you will reach her best with a gentle, friendly approach or whether a more direct approach to communication will suit her better… how to best give critique and how to offer suggestions so they ‘land’.

75 pages in total, Unlocking the Magic is a resource you can use immediately to provide deeply relevant and tailored style sessions that speak powerfully to the client you’re working with, addressing her specific needs and learning style.

Plus, you’ll receive your own VIP Coupon Code to give to your clients that will reduce their cost for receiving their Style Type Report.

Please note that the Unlocking the Magic Handbooks are not a detailed walk-through or guide to the Style Type Reports and do not contain content on the theory of psychological type. Unlocking the Magic is a perfect resource for image consultants and personal stylists who know and use the 16 Style Types Reports with their clients, but who are not certified in psychological type.

The Unlocking the Magic Image Professional’s Handbooks are designed to be used with clients who have paid for, discovered and downloaded their 16 Style Types Report. Your clients should access the 16 Style Types website directly prior to style sessions with you and either Discover her Style Type if she doesn’t know her psychological type yet or Download her Style Type Report if she already knows her four-letter type code.


©2025 16 Style Types


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