How much do you want to be the focus of attention? Do you want to blend in or stand...
ENTP – The Enterprising Stylist,
The Style Chameleon
Buy the Style Type Report
The Enterprising Stylist: ENTP, The Style Chameleon
ENTPs will streamline a workable wardrobe to minimize time spent on style decisions and closet management (clothing care, laundry, etc.) If they are intrigued with creating a unique sense of style, they will theorize, systematize and strategize to develop a unique approach to their style. Comfortable with taking risks, ENTPs view conventional wisdom—about how to dress, how and where to shop, or how to mix colors, textures, or patterns—as challenges to conquer rather than as style rules to blindly follow.
Your 16 Style Types Report is a 30-page guide that helps you find your style essence, based on your particular personality type. Your Style Type Report will help you come home to your authentic and true style. Through an intelligent integration with the Jung/Myers Briggs model of personality your Report is full of insights to give you a deep understanding of your personal relationship with style and the best way for you to travel your authentic style pathway.
What you will receive:
- 30-page illustrated magazine Style Type Report of over 8000 words including a blueprint for style growth and success
- 10-minute video that delves into your Style Type giving you further insight and illustrative stories about your type bringing your Style Type Report to life
- 40-page Style Profile workbook with questions and resources to help you bridge the space between your style essence and style expression
- Get Traction resource containing a detailed road map of 10 ways you can get the most out of your Style Type Report and includes activities and exercises that work in conjunction with your Style Type Report Blueprint and your Style Profile
What you will discover about yourself:
- How you approach style and image
- How you think and feel about style
- What matters to you with regards to your image
- How you want to communicate your personality to the world using your style as a tool and an expression of self
What you will learn based on your psychological type:
- What your style pillars are
- Your style strengths and challenges
- How to approach wardrobing
- How to approach shopping
- How to find the dressing styles that work for you to present your most stylish self
- How you approach style rules
- Your style blueprint, a style pathway that’s true for you
Action steps to take with your 4-Phase Style Blueprint:
- Activities to help you become your most stylish self
- Questions to ponder and answer
- Experiments to pursue to help you develop your style based on the way you think, learn and grow
How you will feel about discovering your Style Type:
- Understood
- Validated
- Inspired
We know that your style expression is an extension of you. That just because you approach style differently from friends or family, that doesn’t mean your way is the wrong way. Discovering your style type will be your lifelong guide to travelling your style pathway in your unique – and beautiful – way. It is a style journey like no other, combined with a style blueprint with actions to guide you and deep insights into your style DNA.
For individual sale and use only. Copyright Not to be distributed or sold separately.