Signature Style Elements

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signature style

What’s Your Signature?

When you think about a woman such as Jackie Kennedy Onassis –she had an identifiable signature style, which included colored skirts suits and dresses, hats and often gloves, pearls.

Vogue editor Anna Wintour has a signature sleek bob hairstyle and sunglasses which she wears everywhere, including indoors.

Advanced Stylista Iris Apfel sports oversize round glasses, armloads of bangles and layer upon layer of other accessories creating a flamboyant, effervescent signature style that is a feast to the eyes.

You don’t have to model (or even relate to) any of these women to find your signature style.  They’re simply examples of women who have identified, refined and consistently expressed an immediately identifiable style: a signature style.  There’s huge value in doing this, as we’ll discover.

There are so many more possible signature elements you can choose from, so let’s have fun discovering yours!

Have fun now with the explorations in the Module 3 PDF Page 35 to discover your Signature Style elements.

©2025 16 Style Types


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