Future Focused Wardrobe

Section Progress:

Have you thought about how your wardrobe is going to work for you in the future?  Many wardrobes are past-focussed – the clothing contained in them is based on decisions made in the past, both shorter and longer term. This can sometimes lead to a wardrobe that starts to feel dull and staid, and lacks interest or excitement or joy.

It’s important to extend the time continuum on which your wardrobe is based, and to look at how you can create a future-focused wardrobe – one that will also support your life goals and dreams.

Read this post for more tips and questions to ask yourself as you go through the next Explorations.

You may also want to think about your Leading and Supporting functions and how these may impact on your wardrobe orientation – refer to Modules 6 and 10.

For example

  • If you have a Leading or Supporting Introverted Sensing preference, it’s very easy to hold onto older garments, with the idea being that if they were useful in the past you are most likely to need them again in the future – after all, past experience informs present reality for Si’s.
  • If you have Leading or Supporting Extraverted Feeling preference, you may make quick – even hasty – decisions and discard items because you aren’t liking them just in this moment, when with some more reflection, experimentation and patience, they may be work beautifully for you.

These are just two of innumerable examples of how your Leading and Supporting Functions can come into play when you consider your wardrobe!


Now onto your explorations on page 109 of your Module 11 PDF!

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