A Well Put-Together Wardrobe

Section Progress:
Wardrobe space

A Well Put-Together Wardrobe Space

Establishing and being able to access a well put together wardrobe space is essential for any woman, but it’s especially essential if you are interested in travelling an authentic style pathway.  It’s also an excellent way to make ‘shopping your wardrobe’ a pleasure.

The heart of the wardrobe matter is that we don’t wear what we can’t see. If you have to scramble through a draw or set of shelves to find something, you won’t reach for it regularly. If you have to scrimmage through your hanging wardrobe space to find those pants, that dress, or that jacket, you won’t get full wear from that item.

If you have to sift and sort through piles on the floor, in baskets, or reach for items on shelves high up above your reach, then those items are being sorely under-worn, under-utilized and under-enjoyed.

A well put together wardrobe has many benefits.  A wonderful working wardrobe:

  • Extends the life of your clothes and accessories
  • Protects your investment
  • Saves you money
  • Saves you time every time you get dressed
  • Gives you flexible options and freedom of choice
  • Looks fabulous!

What makes a good wardrobe?  We’re going to explore what that is for you, but a good touchstone for what makes for a well put together wardrobe space that will work for you, no matter your Style Type is this:

A good wardrobe acts as a safe haven, housing your clothes, shoes and accessories safely and allows easy access to everything.

A great wardrobe does this as well as acting as a menu of your items allowing you to see what you have at a glance and helping you to make easy, quick and great selections.

A great wardrobe supports you to be your most stylish self and to chart and travel your authentic style pathway.

A great wardrobe has one consistent quality, no matter your Style Type:  it supports your style essence and it activates your style expression.

With these foundations as our guide, let’s step into the first part of our exploration about your wardrobe, and how you can make it work for you as a woman of your Style Type.

To ensure we go beyond the obvious and expected when it comes to organizing your closet, let’s look at two typical photographs that often appear when this topic of wardrobe organization is discussed:

What immediately springs to mind when you look at the above photographs?  How do you relate your response to your Style Type and all you have learned in this program so far?

Note down your reactions and thoughts in the Module 8 PDF Page 7 (or your notebook).

wardrobing process

Your Wardrobing Process

We each have ways of approaching our wardrobing processes and a number of these will be influenced by or emanate from our Style Type preferences. Some of our wardrobing processes will be influenced by or stem from other factors including our upbringing (how you were taught to do these things), learned processes (Marie Kondo anyone?), personal preferences, who we cohabit with as well as  the physical space (including its limitations) we have to work with.

So much wardrobing advice is generic and universal, intended for Everybody.  Our aim here is to personalize, through the lens of your Style Type, the wardrobing processes you use and the wardrobing attitudes and approaches that will serve you best.

In the Exploration on Your Wardrobing Process in the Module 8 PDF you will find a series of questions about each of the major sub-categories of wardrobing:

  • How do you organize and manage?
  • How do you “maintain” your inventory (including laundry, alterations and mending)?
  • How do you bring in new items?
  • How do you get dressed in the morning – what is your process?

You’ll first be invited to explore how you engage in these activities, then to reflect on how they relate to your Style Type.  You may find that taking pages 9 – 12 of the Module 8 PDF with you (either on your laptop or mobile device on-screen, or printed out) into your wardrobe space is a helpful way of getting into this Exploration. Page 13 can be printed out to capture your responses into.

Open your Module 8 PDF Page 9 now to explore this topic!

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