Module 4 Appendix


Appendix 1

When it comes to understanding yourself, the road is long.

Below are 16 statements to complete,  focused on what it’s like to be my type.  If you would like to further explore aspects of your personality — your Type — you may find engaging in this activity helpful and enlightening.

This is not a formal part of Module 4, just extras – you can simply ignore if you wish!

But if you do decide to explore more by responding to any of these question areas on what it’s like to be my type, remember to follow the strategies outlined at the beginning of this Module (the page with the bubbles) and also please do a debrief by asking yourself what you learned, what you make your explorations mean, and how you can apply and use what you’ve learned.

Capturing your responses

1. I work/interact best with others by …

2. When communicating with me, I prefer …

3. If you want me to do my best work, please…

4. If you want me to do my best work, please do not …

5. During times of change [conflict], I generally …

6. I can irritate others by …

7. What others do that really annoys/irritates/frustrates me …

8. What I wish I’d known earlier in my work/life, relating to my Type …

9. What I value most about my Type is …

10. The impact on others of my Type includes …

11. I influence other family/team members by …

12. I can be influenced by …

13. Feedback  I have received more than once is …

14. I particularly value …

15. Reflecting on an important decision or behavior I engage in regularly, I can now find this Type explanation …

16. What really motivates me to give extra effort is…


Appendix 2

The 16 Psychological Types

Below is an overview of each of the 16 Psychological Types.  This may be a handy ready reckoner for you as you consider others in your circles and how they are different, in psychological type terms, to you.

A word to the wise:  Attempting to determine someone else’s type from afar, or even from close up, can be tricky.  We have their behavior as an indicator of what their personality preferences might be, but as we now know, behavior only tells part of the story.

There is the interior world of the person to factor in, their inner world of thoughts and feelings, their memories and instincts… and this interior world is, by its very nature, not accessible to others.  We cannot see all that is going on for another person, and especially for those who prefer Introversion – the dominant part of their psychological make-up is literally invisible to others.

So use the following information with some caution, and please – whatever you do – do not start assessing people and telling them what their personality preferences are!

The information on the following pages is a guide only.  At most, it can be used as a conversation starter and quick-use guide to understanding and communicating better with others. Any personality type assessment, including quality paid ones, are only ever a “working hypothesis” that guides – but never tells, directs or prescribes.

Introverted Psychological Types

INFJ.  Insightful idealists who imagine life as it could be.  Gentle and private.  Prefer to have order, particularly at home, and to work in an environment where their vision for people is encouraged.

INFP. Individuals with deep feeling about life and how to live it.  Music, art, psychology appeal in study and work.  Can be dismissive of rules that don’t fit in with their gentle but strong values.

INTJ. Insightful, analytical people who use theory and models to understand the world.  Private.  Like structure.  Intellectually curious, independent.  Enjoy developing their knowledge and competence.

INTP.  Complex thinkers who want to understand the underlying principles behind things.  Theoretical, abstract.  Enjoy focusing in-depth on areas of interest to solve problems and increase knowledge.

ISFJ. Private, down to earth, conscientious people who work where they can help people in a tangible way. Interest is in facts about people and learning practical skills.  Like to follow procedures and rules.

ISFP. Gentle realists who accept the world at face value.  Experience the world; don’t imagine it. Hands-on, pragmatic.  Not concerned about order, time constraints. Won’t be rushed or pushed.

ISTJ. Quietly systematic people who are happiest when things remain the same. Facts, logic appeal. Private, they value hard work with clear and efficient procedures responsibly implemented.

ISTP. Resourceful, adaptable realists for whom talk is cheap. Usually prefer tools to books.  Enjoy the physical and outdoors.  Can absorb large amounts of data in the process of solving practical and immediate problems.

Extraverted Psychological Types

ENFJ. Sociable and insightful connectors who seek social acceptance.  See the potential in others, like to work in a collaborative atmosphere to help them acquire skills and knowledge to help other people.

ENFP. Enthusiastic and imaginative inspirers who are interested in the future and possibilities for people. Enjoy generating new ideas in an entertaining, affirming and supportive way without constraints.

ENTJ. Organized, pragmatic forerunners who like to be in charge.  Are persuasive, confident, logical and direct.  Like discussion, vigorous debate.  Lead with a vision of the future; direct others to it.

ENTP. Quick and clever conceptualizers who want to change and improve the world.  Adaptable, resourceful and outspoken.  Excel at generating conceptual possibilities and solving new problems.

ESFJ. Warm-hearted and charming optimists who like things to stay as they are,  Prefer structure, consistency, stability.  Like working in harmony with others to complete agreed tasks well.

ESFP. Social and enthusiastic realists who live in the moment.  Chatty, eager to please, flexible.  Dislike conflict of any sort.  Fun is an important part of work, which revolves around helping people.

ESTJ. Practical, matter-of-fact doers who excel at mobilizing resources efficiently.  Details and facts are important.  Give, follow direction.  Enjoy competition, working hard and completing.

ESTP. Pragmatic and flexible adaptors who trust action, not words.  Don’t dwell on the past or future. Everything is negotiable. Good with solving practical issues, and combining their play with their work.


The 16 Psychological Types – Another Way

There are so many ways to organize and group the 16 Psychological Types!  On the previous two page we showed them to you with short descriptions organized/grouped by the first letter – the 8 Introverted Types on one page, then the 8 Extraverted Types on the next page.

On the following four pages we are providing you with a more colorful and punchy way of looking at the 16 Types.  There are four pages, each with four Types.  On these pages, the 16 Types are organized/grouped by the two middle letters (which we have called the ‘Super Styles’, here at 16 Style Types):

  • NT (for iNtuition-Thinking)
  • NF (for iNtuition-Feeling)
  • SF (for Sensing-Feeling)
  • ST (for Sensing-Thinking).

The two middle letters of your Style Type code are especially important.  CG Jung likened these letters – the functions, or cognitive processes, he called them – as four points of a compass: “indispensable” to understanding a person’s psychological make-up.

This is yet another way of viewing and learning about the 16 Types.

The NT (iNtuition Thinking) Psychological Types



The NF (iNtuition Feeling) Psychological Types


The SF (Sensing Feeling) Psychological Types

The ST (Sensing Thinking) Psychological Types

Authentic Self

Appendix 3

Type Mapping: Your Observations and Insights on Significant People

You may find this next optional activity a valuable investment of your time and attention especially as it relates to significant people and interactions in your life.

On the following page is a Type Map showing each of the 16 Types.  This Map has a very particular arrangement

  • The 16 Types are grouped according to super style, with ST-SF-NT-NF forming four corners.
  • On the inside are the eight Introverted Types, with the eight Extraverted Types forming the outer bubbles.
  • The Map is color-grouped according to Jungian colors with blue for Thinking, red for Feeling, green for Sensing and yellow for iNtuition.

This chart is a resource for you to use in mapping important people in your spheres.  You may choose to use this as a living document, and add to it as your Type knowledge and insight develop over time.

Type Map: The 16 Style Types

Authentic Self

Charting the 16 Types

On the final page of the Module 4 PDF  is a template you can use to capture your knowledge, insights, observations, and experiences of the 16 Types.

You can use this in any way you like, here are some suggestions:

  • What you understand about each Type, what you know of their likes and dislikes, and general or specific preferences.
  • Who in your spheres has preferences for what Type, if you know this information with some confidence.
  • Any issues you have with particular Types.
  • The gifts of other Types that you appreciate.
  • How you can better connect with people of particular Types (especially important people and/or those with whom you can have difficulties in interacting with).

You are also free of course to adapt the chart on the following page in any way so that it suits you perfectly.  If you are using Excel/Sheets or Word/Pages to capture key learnings, you may prefer to create and use a chart in one of those programs, especially for these insights, observations, learnings, and takeaways.

©2025 16 Style Types


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