It’s Not Always Positive

Section Progress:
journey of self awareness

Understanding your Type acts as a powerful mirror.  It has the potential to reflect aspects of yourself you may not be entirely conscious of, of making you feel validated and accepted, beautiful, and a raft of other positive emotions.

This mirror also includes the potential to see yourself in ways that others do and to reflect back to you aspects of yourself that may be challenging to see – and accept.

This can be where the ‘shade’ (in the ‘light and shade’ meaning of the term) can come into your Style Type Journey.  The feedback you receive about your way of being, your personality, can be powerful – and at times it can be confronting.

It illustrates the saying that “ignorance is bliss” – when you don’t understand yourself very well and have low self-awareness, you can be living in ignorant bliss indeed.  You may have very little notion of how others are experiencing you, and what impact you are having in significant interactions.

This is yet another stage you can pass through on your self-discovery Style Type Journey:  to realize that not everything about who you are is experienced positively by others.  This can be rocky territory – but it’s also one of the most important stages of the journey and contains some of the most intriguing territory and powerful learning.

Now for your It’s Not Always Positive explorations – in your Module 4 PDF Page 33.

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