Your Learning Needs
How do you like to learn? What helps you learn, and what hinders your best learning? You may not have given this much thought before joining this program, but having an understanding of your learning needs will help you as you engage in this highly participatory program.
Our Psychological Type determines in some part how we prefer to learn – our Type impacts what learning situations, practices, and approaches work for us… and which will work less well or not at all.
You’ll be offered an unparalleled opportunity to observe and experience your learning preferences as you participate in this highly interactive online program.
Make sure to add this as an additional layer to your learning in every Module.
In this download below, we’re going to overview the learning styles of each of the 16 Types, as an additional learning aid for your participation in this program.
This material isn’t for sharing outside of this program. It is included here for your personal use, for you to reference the learning strategies for your Style Type and to refer to and use those strategies throughout your participation in this program.
The Learning Needs for the 16 Style Types is a great resource for you as you get started on this journey of learning. It describes the learning preferences for each of the 16 Style Types – you may find it helpful to observe and experience your learning needs through the lens of your personality preferences as described in that resource.
You may find your learning needs intersect with your preferences for participating on the private Facebook Group, too – be aware of what you notice about how you’re finding the Facebook Group and use it in a way that suits and supports you best.
Download now or just read through below how your Style Type best learns!

From Information to Action
As you’re moving through this program you will be taking notes, writing things down and answering a myriad of Exploration questions along with taking part in Playshops and discussions on the Facebook Group.
What is important is that you work through this information and program in a way that works for you.
We’ve supplied you with fillable Module PDFs that you can write in, but you may find that you also want to enhance your learning with other ways of capturing information and putting your learning’s into action.
Consider the variety of ways you can use to capture your discoveries, including:
- Mind-mapping tools
- Drawing
- Infographics
- Charts
- Spreadsheets
- Collages
- Photos
- Videos
- Images
- Icons
- Vision boards
We encourage to use any method that works for you to capture and encapsulate what you are learning and dicovering.

Capturing Your Aha’s
As you move through the program you’ll notice we’ve included helpful Wrap Ups at the end of each Module – these are important debrief Explorations that will embed your learnings. In each Module you will also find Linking Charts to help you put all the pieces of the program together.
Knowing that different types work in different ways, we recommend you find a way that resonates with you to capture your Aha moments as you work through the program. It may be a spreadsheet, or it may be a mind-map, it could be a list or possibly capturing your reflections, learnings and insights on video or audio on your phone. However you capture your Aha’s is entirely up to you!
There is no one right way to do this, but the feedback we’ve received when testing this program is that finding your own way and noting down each of your Aha’s in one place will really help you tie all the different Modules together.

From Information to Action
It’s so wonderful that you’re here to learn about your style, and we believe that if you’ve taken the step of joining this program you’re also committed to take what you learn and use it in your life and wardrobe.
As you work through the information look at what you can put into action after each Module. Write down your actions with the timeframe you’ll be doing them in. Or just do them within the Module timeframe you’ve set for yourself. Each action is a step forward on your style pathway that will move you to the most stylish version of you.

Expressive Stylist: ENFJ The Style Connector
ENFJs as Learners
ENFJs enjoy learning through discussions, group activities, and other interactions. They want to know how what they are learning can make a difference for others. They thrive when given chances to be creative yet organized. They are attracted to people-oriented materials that let them tap into the needs, yearnings, and destiny of others.
Helps You
- Learning with a friend or making new friends while learning including the opportunity to act as a mentor to others.
- Creating a plan for learning including fitting in studying or other course activities into your (often busy) schedule.
- Making unique connections between your own fields or ideas and new knowledge.
- Discussing rather than writing. For online courses, find a study buddy to share with or someone in your non-virtual life to share your new insights with.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Being turned off by data without “heart”. Try to connect theories with how you can use them to help others.
- Being overly sensitive to critique. Ask for a positive statement (perhaps first), and remember some Types will critique as a way of indicating interest and ‘worthiness’.
- Struggling with content without clear application. Seek the bigger purpose—what will this allow you to do more easily? – and drill down to applicable tactics.
- Feeling hampered by structure or too many rules. Use your creativity to use what is helpful and work around the rest.

Subtle Stylist: INFJ The Style Enigma
INFJs as Learners
INFJs are usually creative and self-motivated, especially when delving into subjects and courses that are exciting and different. As long as learning allows them to show your unique creativity, INFJs know how to plan to meet deadlines, hold themselves to high standards, and work toward internal and external goals.
Helps You
- Engaging with materials, forming ideas and connections, before discussing them with a group.
- Generating great ideas and insights that seem to come from nowhere.
- Coming up with unique ideas or solutions, unusual ways of synthesizing information, or unusual ways of applying what you are learning.
- Laying out personal goals and plans for learning, and following through.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Becoming overwhelmed by too much dry factual material. Take breaks, set personal challenges, use colorful pens.
- Feeling pressured to share without enough time to reflect. Try saying, “I’m still processing this, but perhaps…”if sharing partly-formed ideas.
- Feeling frustrated by the pace of information from videos or audio compared to reading. Check out graphic recording note-taking (such as The Sketchnote Handbook) to remain engaged.
- Disconnecting when materials aren’t as clearly aligned to human aspirations/needs as you would prefer. Form these on your own.

Charismatic Stylist: ENFP The Style Inspirer
ENFPs as Learners
ENFPs are usually enthusiastic, curious, and social students, three qualities that often make learning natural for them. They learn best through discussions, collaboration, creative endeavors, and using their imaginations. They usually have a wide range of interests that keep them running from one activity to the next.
deadlines, hold themselves to high standards, and work toward internal and external goals.
Helps You
- Movement and interaction. Webinars may be more enjoyable when viewed standing up or even on a walking treadmill.
- Talking-to-think since your best thoughts often come together as you share them with others.
- Seeing how new ideas will help others or help you further the causes or work you’re invested in.
- Using your creativity to change up, apply, amplify, or teach others what you are learning.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Staying at an overview level because you find everything interesting. Pick one or two ways to apply key information and apply them, concentrating on getting the details right before moving on.
- Disengaging due to not enough interaction – ENFPs may even forget their insights and ideas if not allowed to express them.
- Getting distracted by “shiny objects” before you’ve gone deep enough with current interests. Ask, “Is this a fad? Do I need to wait to pursue it?”.
- Overcommitting partly due to underestimating time needed. ID time available, how organized you need to be.

Eclectic Stylist: INFP The Style Original
INFPs as Learners
INFPs are usually intense, imaginative, and sensitive learners, driven by their own personal interests and goals. They thrive when environments, knowledge, tasks and interactions are congruent with their personal values. They thrive when their uniqueness is recognized and honored.
Helps You
- Knowing what you value so you can recognize when something violates a value and being able to rationally choose to overlook or ask for (or model) change.
- Working with and reflecting on materials before engaging in discussions.
- When harmony is present and everyone listens without interrupting and adds to discussions in ways that honor what everyone has said.
- When you can use your insights and creativity in writing and other independent pursuits.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Getting stuck because trust and respect aren’t in the forms you accept and prefer. Put self-protecting limits on what you share and model respectful interactions.
- When materials do not fit with your values; INFPs are seldom willing to “play the game.” Try to identify a higher purpose for getting on board.
- Shutting down or bowing out when the value of individuality and diversity is ignored. Ask whether this particular instance will matter a week or a year from now or can you still learn something?
- Becoming so focused in one area of deep interest that it keeps you from exploring the rest.

Standout Stylist: ENTJ The Style Powerhouse
ENTJs as Learners
ENTJs love ideas and learn best through independence and interaction. They thrive in structured learning environments that allow them to devise their own questions, identify their own problems to solve, and come up with new ways to move forward. They thrive when learning has a solid overarching framework and involves debate, logic, and variety.
Helps You
- Logically presented ideas that can be put into action. Identify the consistent principles and actionable items in more random information.
- Being free to discuss pros and cons of what is presented, or pose “What if” questions without others feeling threatened. Try hedging phrases such as, “Just out of curiosity…”.
- Planning how you or others can use the information, and carrying out the plan.
- Confidently putting your own twist on how you will use the information.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Struggling when not enough of your version of interaction is included, including having to wait to share your opinion. If the learning is important, find a listening ear elsewhere for critiques or ideas.
- Working alone or in isolation or silence for too long. For webinars, consider standing or locating yourself where you can use a headset and still be around others.
- Being misjudged as bossy or critical. Ensure that your phrasing works for people who take differences of opinion as arguments or criticism.
- Too quickly dismissing others as incompetent or inferior. Step back and step into their shoes.

Independent Stylist: INTJ The Style Scientist
INTJs as Learners
INTJs are usually creative, self-motivated students, especially when they have opportunities to study in-depth topics of their choosing. They often love reading and researching their own questions, synthesizing them into useful plans or structures. Once prepared, they are usually happy to share their opinions and back them with logical reasoning.
Helps You
- Working with the big ideas, only pulling in the necessary details.
- Being able to express opinions, pros and cons, competing ideas, and engage in logical arguments to clarify understanding.
- When learning goals are laid out so you can plan your work and work your plan.
- When teachers/facilitators demonstrate competency and expertise, yet respect the ideas and questions of participants.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Being turned off by being told what to do without enough Why. Consider asking for the research or information sources so you can explore more deeply.
- Becoming confused if learning targets or goals are unspecified. Set individual goals and pursue them independently to ensure meaningful results.
- Floundering if your ideas are dismissed or you try to rush understanding. Model finding merit in the ideas of others and use your intuition to make connections.
- Struggling when group learning turns into sharing opinions rather than facts or expert theories. Ask clarifying questions.

Enterprising Stylist: ENTP The Style Chameleon
ENTPs as Learners
ENTPs are often the center of a hub of learning activity that fascinates them. They learn best when they have the big picture of why they are learning something and can interact with others through discussions, questions and activities. They usually grasp concepts quickly and move on to applying and synthesizing what they’ve learned.
Helps You
- Starting with the big ideas and being free to think of ways to make them even bigger or apply them differently.
- Being presented with challenges and problems to solve that involve strategic thinking and creativity.
- Debating ideas to understand the rationale of different positions, with mutual enthusiasm about finding the optimal truth.
- Synthesizing what you are learning into a matrix, model, or process you can use to teach, lead, or communicate.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Failing to to get organized. Ask how long a task might take and plan backward, identifying where you can find the time.
- Becoming frustrated when there is not enough room for imagination. While seeking forgiveness instead of permission can work, consider trying the prescribed way and changing things up later on your own.
- Missing learning because your brain skips ahead to connections. Check out visual note taking techniques (such as The Sketchnote Handbook) to capture connections.
- Becoming confounded when factual information isn’t organized your way. Categorize it for yourself using a matrix or outline to make sense of it.

Complex Stylist: INTP The Style Theorist
INTPs as Learners
INTPs are independent learners, and often prefer to learn on their own. They’re at their best while observing people and systems, studying topics of interest in-depth, thinking through ideas, and applying logic to solving problems. When provided with background information, they come prepared and ready to compare their ideas to those of others.
Helps You
- Engaging in deep learning on topics that interest you. Use more general learning to pinpoint where you’ll go deeper later.
- Determining words, ideas, procedures, or theories precisely.
- Putting your own spin on what you are learning, or how it is presented, or how you apply it to yourself or your situation.
- Enough structure in learning tasks that you can estimate how and when you will get them done, but plenty of flexibility in what you will do.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Feeling rushed. INTPs want to let ideas percolate and want to examine them from different angles.
- Running out of time. Many INTPs get caught up in perfecting ideas or processes and need to think “What is good enough for this situation since perfect can’t happen?”.
- Dismissing rules and routines out of hand. Look for the merit before rejecting or avoiding them.
- Becoming overwhelmed by too much interaction. Take notes, indicate when you’ll share ideas, and plan breaks when interacting a lot.

Charming Stylist: ESFJ The Style Adviser
ESFJs as Learners
ESFJs are friendly, diligent and eager to participate in learning situations where collaboration is encouraged. They thrive in cooperative, friendly learning environments where the learning leaders emphasize knowing (and supporting) each person as an individual. Most engaging content includes those which advance ways of helping people.
Helps You
- Clarifying tasks and goals and chunking down to smaller pieces, if required, to give confidence the task can be done.
- Playing a facilitative role, often unofficially, ensuring others feel included and encouraged.
- Setting a clear schedule, goals and expectations for yourself, even if materials don’t provide it (or it’s not at the level of detail required for you).
- Engaging in group discussion and projects as a part of the group.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Feeling isolated by working on your own and without interaction with others for too long – engagement is key to learning.
- Not asking for input early on to clarify task, expectations, that you’re on the right track.
- Neglecting to step back and survey the larger learning landscape to check you’re aligned with broader learning direction and vision – may concentrate too much on following exact procedures at the expense of a deeper understanding.
- Taking any critique as a personal attack. Remember some Types will critique to be helpful and/or signal interest.

Harmonious Stylist: ISFJ The Style Friend
ISFJs as Learners
ISFJs are usually conscientious, diligent, and well-organized learners. They often pursue new learning throughout their lives, preferring environments where steady progress, mastery of clear objectives, and time for reflection before speaking are emphasized. They do their best work when others are encouraging and show a personal interest in their efforts.
Helps You
- Organizing your learning. Use the note-taking and filing strategies that work best for you.
- Seeing how new knowledge can help others. Grab a takeaway from your notes, explain to someone why you’re making a suggestion, and ask if they’re willing to try it.
- Harmonious atmospheres. Ensure you’re modelling this by pointing out how others’ ideas are helpful to you.
- Getting the details. Make use of session recordings and other tools to fill in anything that feels like a gap in learning.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Feeling lost in a crowd of learners or an impersonal environment. Reach out to another participant to learn with you.
- Not identifying personal learning priorities, trying to master it all. Pick two or three topics that are most related to why you are learning the material and study those first.
- Wanting the details before working with the theory. Restate the big idea in terms of how you can use it before trying to fill in all the details.
- Assuming that constructive critique means you failed to apply learning correctly. Remind yourself how the comments might further your learning goals.

Vivacious Stylist: ESFP The Style Celebrator
ESFPs as Learners
ESFPs often combine learning and play in their ongoing quest to make life enjoyable for all. Full of positive energy, they learn best by moving, touching, fixing, helping, and discussing. They thrive when engaged with practical knowledge that they can use to help others and where everyone receives personal attention to their questions, progress, and impromptu ideas.
Helps You
- Being active while learning. Use a standing desk, take stretch breaks, and/or ensure you’ve been active before settling in.
- Getting questions answered. Make use of chat functions during web events so you don’t forget your questions as you listen.
- Using what you learn to help others. Practice with yourself and find a friend to share with to establish real-world connections quickly.
- Being prepared without feeling stifled. Set aside a couple of options for study time and place so you follow through but still feel flexible.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Getting disoriented if the big picture or theory doesn’t immediately connect with real life. Look for how others plan to use the information.
- Getting hung up on a detail or two that seem to be missing. Step back and ask yourself whether the rest of the information makes enough sense.
- When discussion time is limited. Note your aha’s and talk them through later with a friend—or put them into action.
- Over-relying on others rather than self for feedback. Make a checklist of what successful learning looks like or what you will be able to do with learning.

Whimsical Stylist: ISFP The Style Artisan
ISFPs as Learners
ISFPs are quiet, observant, values-driven learners. They often prefer to listen or watch others, or experiment a bit with new information, before sharing too much about themselves or their reactions to what they are learning. They thriven in harmonious environments and when they can connect information with their own interests or with ways to help others.
Helps You
- Experimenting or learning in safe environments. Preview materials or try out your ideas with those you trust.
- Learning from real-world examples or hands-on activities. Ask yourself what you can do immediately with what you are learning.
- Adding personal creativity. Look for ways where you can put your own spin on ideas, suggestions, exercises and activities, and processes.
- Setting aside time to make materials personally meaningful. Reflect to relate information to your values, relationships, and needs.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Struggling to finish the last 5%. Keep up energy with a completion reward.
- Getting turned off too quickly when a value is challenged. Know your values so you can quickly ask, “Is this a deal killer? Will it matter next week or next month?”.
- Wishing everyone had your deep listening skills. Model responding personally, acknowledging how others are helping you, and share your new learnings with friends.
- Feeling that you are lacking rapport with facilitators or other participants. Create the personal touch by applying or discussing information with friends, clients, or others you can help.

Effective Stylist: ESTJ The Style Traditionalist
ESTJs as Learners
ESTJs are planned, organized learners—no time wasted, no surprises might be their motto. They thrive when learning goals and rewards are clear. They enjoy challenging activities and often emerge as natural guides or leaders during collaborative efforts. Often, they are motivated by how they will use information in real life and why different elements are important.
Helps You
- Clear schedules, goals, charts, and checklists—make your own if they aren’t provided.
- Identifying logic and principles. Reframe notes using if/then, pro/con, objective criteria, etc.—and then solve problems with it.
- Having the details to complete a task correctly. Efficiency is key so reviewing information before acting on it lessens the chance that missing pieces may result in wasted time.
- Talking through ideas. If group learning time is limited, find an interested friend or colleague to continue discussions.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Keeping learning at arms length by not incorporating more subjective data (including what you like and are enjoying about new ideas) into your learning.
- Needing bigger challenges. Set an audacious goal for putting information into practice, for yourself or for use with others.
- Over-thinking information and decisions when working alone. Go with your gut if a solution is “good enough” and stick with it.
- Seeing gaps and inconsistencies at the expense of appreciating the positives. Step back from any “It won’t work for me” thinking and put your problem-solving skills to work by identifying a way to overcome each of your objections.

Appropriate Stylist: ISTJ The Style Organizer
ISTJs as Learners
ISTJs often take a methodical, steady approach to learning. prefer to work steadily, follow directions so no time is wasted, and stay organized. They thrive when directions are clear and they can see connections to past experiences and prior learning. Usually, they prefer mastering practical information and are willing to work hard to develop expertise that furthers their goals.
Helps You
- Receiving complete, sequential information. Take notes, including questions, and leave space for answering them later.
- Finding ways to put new knowledge into practice immediately, quickly turning head knowledge into experiential knowledge.
- Using organizers–notecards for important discoveries, a short list of questions for making a decision, or matrices, charts, mind maps.
- Naming your rules or principles, defining precisely how you wish to put new knowledge into use.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Getting stuck because material isn’t at your preferred level of specificity. Ask for steps in the process or observe how others undertake tasks to provide a starting point.
- Becoming stymied if the theory isn’t quickly or readily understood. Ask for or seek through observation examples.
- Fixating too long on one skill or piece of knowledge you haven’t mastered, letting perfectionism get in the way of seeing – and using – all you have learned.
- Demanding certainty, being uncomfortable with principles that sometimes work or ideas that involve information that may change.

Resourceful Stylist: ESTP The Style Explorer
ESTPs as Learners
ESTPs are usually full of energy and curiosity when learning about the real world. They thrive with hands-on activities, especially when working with others. They learn best in open-ended, flexible learning environments where they can be active and where asking questions is encouraged, and prefer to experience something before processing how or why it works.
Helps You
- Moving and interacting while learning. Consider sitting on a stability ball or using a standing or treadmill desk.
- Combining work and play. Learn with a friend or identify a fun and active way you’re going to use the information.
- Working backward from deadlines to understand when you need to start, perhaps asking others how long something might take.
- Touching, trying, experimenting, seeing, or otherwise finding ways to make learning come alive. Situate yourself where you can see things that are connected with what you’re learning.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Getting fidgety or frustrated if required to sit or read or listen for an extended period. Get in your workout first or meet with others beforehand.
- Being turned off if connections to the real world aren’t immediately obvious. Think of concrete way to try something out.
- Giving all information the same level of importance. Rethink this by setting two or three goals for the information, seeking answers to questions on just those topics.
- Getting too caught up in logic or linearity. Not everything is cause/effect and feelings or values may be as important to decisions as cost/utility/time involved.

Individualistic Stylist: ISTP The Style Maverick
ISTPs as Learners
ISTPs are keen observers of reality and masters at figuring out the most efficient ways to accomplish things that interest them. Often quiet as they consider information and how it fits with their prior knowledge and experience, they tend to deep dive into self-selected topics. They prefer practical knowledge but want to know how it is grounded in sound reasoning.
Helps You
- Knowing the Whys. Listen for theories or experiences that support the concepts being presented.
- Seeing structures or how information is organized. Label notes with daily topics and subtopics, using graphic organizers or mind maps.
- Identifying which details are important. Master the details that support your learning goals to add efficiency to study.
- Learning by doing. Put new principles or processes to work immediately, capitalizing on your ability to make them even better.
Hinders You + Strategies
- Disengaging because you don’t have enough expertise. Pick an important area to practice first and be patient with yourself as you take a listen/learn role on other topics.
- Dismissing anything not immediately pragmatically useful. Pair up with someone imaginative, or ask, “What else could this mean?”.
- Staying motivated for long-term goals. Identify mini-steps that move you toward each goal and celebrate reaching those.
- Disliking ambiguous information while learning, yet wanting freedom/individuality. Remember that you excel at taking underlying principles, cutting the red tape, and reworking them to be personally useful.

Learning Styles and Strategies | Wrap Up
You are of course free to read all 16 Types’ learning types here, and should you read all 16 types you may notice some overlaps and commonalities amongst some Types’ learning needs. When you learn more about Type, it will be obvious why this is – there are some commonalities across the Types, including:
- All Extraverts require some degree of interaction when learning, and all Introverts require reflection time alone when learning.
- Those preferring Sensing can get lost in the detail and will benefit from standing back to look at the big picture, and those preferring iNtuition can become so engrossed in ideas and concepts that they forget to put those ideas into practice.
- Thinking Types can find logic, questioning, and critique a preferred way to engage with material (and other learners), whilst Feeling Types prefer harmonious, encouraging, appreciative approaches to material and other learners.
- Those preferring Judging often require organization and structure to their learning, whilst those preferring Perceiving require some form of open flexibility.
You’ll note those patterns popping up in the 16 Type types preceding. As this material is provided for your personal use (and is not for sharing outside of this program), we encourage you to focus on the information for your Style Type.
Refer to your type and use those strategies to support your participation in this program and in your life.
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