Life and Style

Section Progress:
life and style

Your Life and Style

Your life impacts greatly on your style and what you need in your wardrobe and what you wear.

Lifestyle includes your work, hobbies and home environment, and is also impacted by your location and geography.

What you wear matters and impacts on your experience and results.  What choices you make in choosing your clothing and accessories can open doors for you or have them close in your face.

Balanced against your results is your authentic style journey:  you want to be authentic in your approach to choosing your outfits.  Getting this balance right can be tricky.

In this part of the Module, we’ll be delving into the different areas for your life and how you want to be perceived, what is appropriate for the environments you spend your time in, and how you can dress authentically in all situations and have the best outcome for you.

Resources you may find useful to refer to:

  • Pages 10 – 13 in your Style Type Report
  • Module 5 and Dressing Styles
  • Module 8 Extension on building a wardrobe from first principles


Lifestyle is key to building an effective wardrobe that really suits and works for you.  You need to know what you’re doing now in your life today, this week, next week and next month so that you have the clothes and can create the outfits that are an authentic representation of you in every aspect of your life.

You want to look and feel good in everything you wear, whether it’s exercising or asking for a raise at work.  Clothes are a powerful tool that have been shown to change not only how others perceive and react to you, but also how you feel about yourself.

As a side note, you may be interested to learn there is a whole field of study called Enclothed Cognition that has shown that you can actually improve your intelligence just by wearing the right outfit. Caring about what you wear is far from shallow – it can impact greatly both on yourself and how you feel, but also how others react to you and treat you.

Life and style are always intertwined, unless you live and work in a nudist colony then you’re getting out and about in the world in clothes of some kind!  The choices you make should be relevant for your life today and looking into the future.

Now turn to Page 61 of your Module 11 PDF to start on the next set of explorations!

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