About the Program

Section Progress:
Welcome to the program

Congratulations on joining the program – we hope it is an illuminating and empowering experience for you.

Our mission at 16 Style Types is to provide you with quality resources to bring you home to your most stylish self.  We have identified 16 style pathways – the 16 Style Types – based on the world’s most trusted and recognized personality theory, the Jung/Myers Briggs ‘psychological types’.

And in Your Type of Style, our goal is to bring your Style Type alive.  There are 12 Modules for you to participate in, each focused on various elements of your Style Type.  Some modules are more style-focused, others focused more on self-discovery through the lens of your psychological type.  All modules are designed to empower you to explore your Style Type and to chart and travel your unique, authentic style pathway.

In this Welcome section, we’ll cover key things you need to be aware of to get the most out of this program.

To save time, avoid confusion and wasted energy, and to get you moving in the right direction, please take time now to read everything in this Welcome section.

On this page, we’re outlining a few key things you need to be aware of, to get the most out of this program.

You can download the information in this welcome below – or read through it right here on this page (this is the only document that doesn’t include extra information apart from what is on the website).


It’s Great to See You Here!

Your Type of Style Online Membership Program is all about participation.  For you to gain anything of value from joining the program, there is no other way around it but you simply have to take action.  You’re invited to join and participate in the Facebook Group (if it’s your thing), and encouraged in every Module to engage with the exercises that have been so carefully designed for you.

We have created this program with the journey metaphor in mind.  Your 16 Style Types team of Imogen and Jill are your tour guide company – we have set the program to be interesting, illuminating, enjoyable, challenging at times (no worthwhile journey is ever without some challenge) and ultimately very worthwhile.

You are the traveller, this journey is yours to explore and discover. All the travelling is done by you:  all the sights, all the sounds and experiences are yours to discover!

It’s important to note that your tour guides cannot take the journey for you, the travelling can only ever be done by you.

And if you choose to join and participate in the Private Facebook Group for your class, there will be other travellers to share the journey with.   You’ll meet along the way many other fabulous women who are also on a journey of self-discovery into their authentic selves and style.

Join Facebook Group
A Word to the Wise

A Word to the Wise to Get the Most From Your Type of Style

  1. Participate in all the activities.  Don’t skip any of the content, do everything!
  2. Engage in your own way.  You’ll learn more about your learning style as we go along, but to get started simply tune into what is right for you in terms of how you wish to participate.
  3. Make the time.  This is a quality program filled with rich content and engaging activities. There is no ideal amount of time/module you’ll need – it will vary from person to person and module to module – so make time in your schedule to engage with the materials in the program.
  4. Pay attention to your ideal pacing.  The program schedule is one month per module.   Your pace may vary from this somewhat, perhaps some modules you will move faster through the material, other modules you may need more time.
  5. Be open to what you might discover.  Nobody but you will see your responses to the activities you’ll be invited to participate in unless you choose to share them, and no-one is judging you.  So please be as honest as you can – you’ll get the most out of the program that way.
  6. Create a filing system to store the material you’ll be receiving and to capture your responses to the many activities you’ll be invited to do. You may find a physical file – such a gorgeous binder + notebook – is useful to you, too.
  7. Join and participate in the private, private Facebook Group – click the link below.
Join Facebook Group
Exploration Strategies

Exploration Strategies

The material in this program can be profound, illuminating, powerful and life changing.  Having worked with individuals and teams for many years using these concepts, we can testify to how enlightening the explorations you’re about to undertake can be.  To keep the journey both stimulating and safe when participating:

The Program

The Program: 12 Modules

The 12 modules in this program are organized into a clear, thought-through pathway:



Navigating the Program

We have set up the program on the website in a deliberate way to make it as easy as possible for you to navigate.  When you are logged into the Membership Program on the 16 Style Types website, you’ll notice that at the start of each Module, there’s an introduction to the Module.

This introduction includes your Module download document, the PDF, that includes all information, explorations and information.

Make sure you download the Module PDF before you watch the videos for the Module.

You will also notice that in there is a Program Menu – it’s on the right of your screen if you’re on a computer – which shows you the different sub-sections of each Module.  Within each of these will be videos and other materials that will be useful to you.

When there is a video to watch there will be an icon in the PDF to alert you to its existence – just head here to the Membership Program portal and click on the Module and you’ll find the page where the video is located.


Module Documents

There is one Module PDF for each Module, except for Modules 2 and 5 which have two parts to them and therefore have two PDFs. Modules 6 and 8 also have Extensions.

The Module PDFs are quite long.  Please don’t be dismayed or overwhelmed by their size!  We have left you a lot of space for capturing your thoughts and experiences.

  • There are lots of Explorations (question areas) with blank boxes for you to fill in, if you choose to record your responses that way.
  • Each PDF is not densely packed – there’s lots of white space in each one.
  • Even though the Modules drop on a monthly schedule, there is no time limit on how long you take to work through the material.
  • This is a long program, with one month per Module taken over a 12 month period – the Module PDFs reflect this intensive program structure.
  • The Module PDF is a resource for the entire Module.
  • The Module PDF has a flow to it, which is why we haven’t broken it up into sub-documents.
  • If you want to chunk it down into smaller pieces, feel free to work with the content that way by working with one sub-section at a time.  You will find the same sub-sections here on the website.
  • The Module PDFs include fillable boxes to write in so you don’t have to print out the whole program if you don’t want to – if you are on an iPad or tablet you will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the documents and write into them directly.
  • Here are instructions on how to write in and save to a fillable PDF document.
  • If you are using a tablet such as ipad – remember you will need to open into Adobe to be able to write into them and save what you have written.
program structure

Program Structure

You will likely notice very quickly that the program has a deliberate and particular structure to it: 

  1. Content is shared with you – either directly in the Module, by asking you to reference key pages of your Style Type Report, sometimes there’s additional reading with links to click on, there’ll be videos to watch and listen to, and as you progress in the program you’ll also be invited to reference material in previous Modules.
  2. You’ll then be invited to participate with the material in some way – read it and reflect on experiences when you engaged in particular behaviors and so on… or you’ll be invited to engage in a Playshop or series of Playshops.  However it happens, you will be invited to take action – to “practice by doing”.
  3. You will then be asked to reflect on and respond to a series of Explorations about that material and that ”doing”.  This is an essential part of the learning experience and forms the spine of this program.  It’s purpose is to make the material meaningful and relevant for and to you.
  4. The key adult learning principle here is that adults learn through a combination of doing + reflecting on that doing.
  5. The content area is wrapped up with a conclusion page – this may happen a few times in a single Module, depending on how many sub-sections are within the Module, or there may be a single Wrap Up page for the Module.
  6. The entire Module is wrapped up with a series of wrap up questions.

Each of the elements described on the previous page is deliberately included, and is important to the learning process.

The program structure is very deliberate and is based on best practice learning principles, and decades of experience in designing and facilitating workshops with adults in the workplace.

The learning principle is the more you participate, the more you learn.  It really is as simple as that.   How you participate is up to you – participation is a personal thing, and we encourage you to pay attention to how you are participating as you go along in this program, too.

This program aims to engage you at multiple levels, from reading to audio-visuals to the discussion on the closed, private Facebook Group, by inviting you to practice by doing, and to reflect on all you are experiencing and learning as you go.

The learning pyramid below outlines this in a visual way.

program learning

Learning Pyramid

capturing responses

The Explorations: Capturing Your Responses

You will discover very quickly that Your Type of Style is full of Explorations – activities and exercises you are invited to participate in, and questions you are invited to reflect on and respond to.

These Explorations are a huge part of the program, and form the spine of so many of the Modules.  Our perspective in designing this program is that it is your interaction with the material that matters most – what you think and how you feel, requiring a safe and stimulating space to explore experiences and to playshop with the material.

This program is that safe and stimulating space.  Along with the private Facebook Group, which also invites and encourages you to explore and share, your responses to the questions in the Explorations will form much of your learning.

So it’s important to set up a system for you to capture your responses.

If you particulate fully, there will be many, many responses to capture!

Your Type of Style will fall very flat if you simply read the material.  We want you to experience it as a rich, rewarding and ultimately relevant and powerful program on your authentic style journey.  And the only way to achieve that is for you to participate.

Think about how you like to learn best.  Do you prefer to type into the fillable PDF, or into computer document of some sort.  Or do you prefer to print out the module document and write by hand or start a journal as you don’t want to print?  Thinking about these preferences before you start will assist you throughout the program!


Developing New Skills | Troubleshooting

Whenever you join a self-discovery program like this, it’s a chance to learn new things, and to develop yourself.  Any kind of learning program will also contain challenges – it wouldn’t be a very worthwhile experience if there wasn’t some stretch involved!

For moments when you find yourself challenged over the coming 12 Modules, you can use these strategies to guide yourself through the challenge into a place of learning and growth:

  • Identify what you are finding challenging.  You may want to write it down or say it out loud.  However you do it, simply identifying and naming your challenge can help shift it.
  • Engage with what you are finding difficult rather than wishing it would disappear – it likely won’t disappear by wishing it away or sticking a smiley face over it or pretending it doesn’t exist –  but will respond to focused, loving attention.
  • Choose the attention you choose to give it carefully.  Take good care of your needs through challenging times – you can often be at your most vulnerable and you want to be sure there’s growth coming out the other end of any challenge.  Move kindly and slowly.
  • Refer to the Learning Needs resource and identify where your Style Type’s learning needs may be coming into play.  There is often a Type explanation which is super helpful in illuminating challenging situations.
  • Lean into whatever the learning’s are.  Ask: “What can I learn here?” as a prompt for reflection, journaling, or conversation with others if that’s what you need.  See the challenge as a teacher rather than a nuisance to be dispensed with!
  • Take personal responsibility for your learning and growth, and avoid blame, justification, rationalization, or any form of drama which takes you further away from insight and progress.  If there are new patterns to learn here, this can take patience and kindness.
  • Effort and reward are so often linked.  Be compassionate with yourself as you draw the learnings out – and find yourself surrounded by fresh insights and new growth.
capturing responses

The Explorations: Capturing Your Responses

You will discover very quickly that Your Type of Style is full of Explorations – activities and exercises you are invited to participate in, and questions you are invited to reflect on and respond to.

These Explorations are a huge part of the program, and form the spine of so many of the Modules.  Our perspective in designing this program is that it is your interaction with the material that matters most – what you think and how you feel, requiring a safe and stimulating space to explore experiences and to playshop with the material.

This program is that safe and stimulating space.  Along with the private Facebook Group, which also invites and encourages you to explore and share, your responses to the questions in the Explorations will form much of your learning.

So it’s important to set up a system for you to capture your responses.

If you particulate fully, there will be many, many responses to capture!

Your Type of Style will fall very flat if you simply read the material.  We want you to experience it as a rich, rewarding and ultimately relevant and powerful program on your authentic style journey.  And the only way to achieve that is for you to participate.

Think about how you like to learn best.  Do you prefer to type into the fillable PDF, or into computer document of some sort.  Or do you prefer to print out the module document and write by hand or start a journal as you don’t want to print?  Thinking about these preferences before you start will assist you throughout the program!

keeping track

Keep Track of Everything as You Go

One of the things that came through very clearly during the beta pilot testing of this program was how important it is to capture key aspects of the program as you progress through it, starting from the very beginning.

What you wish to capture will be personal to you, but we encourage you to create a system and process now where you can add each Module’s key elements as you progress.

We encourage you to create one document per Module.  Capturing key elements of the program this way will be hugely helpful for you in not only connecting key parts of the program together, but in tracking your important actions, reflections, and other key elements.

The TEMPLATE below may help you create your own Excel/Sheets, or Word/Pages, documents.  Start this now, and add to it as the program progress.

capturing responses

The Explorations: Two Options

There are two options for you to engage with the Explorations in each Module.

You don’t need to worry too much about this now – it will be clear when you get to the Modules how this works.  For now, just be aware you can use one of two options in working through the Explorations:

  1. Go through the questions as they are laid out in single-question format, with a response box for each question.
  • You will never inadvertently miss a question if you go through the Explorations this way.
  • This option puts space around each question and has great value – you may find that a single question invites an observation that leads to a profound insight.
  • You need to answer each one to discover which questions will provide worthwhile observations and insights.
  • The boxes on the Exploration pages are fillable – you can click on them and type your responses directly into the boxes.
  • You may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to allow you to type into the fillable text boxes through out the PDF.

2. Read through the questions on the overview page/s (these are exactly the same as the Explorations/questions in option 1 above).  These are denoted by the Overview icon which sits in the top right-hand corner of the overview pages in the PDFs

  • This overview approach allows you to take the Explorations in any order that you wish.
  • You can bundle Explorations together, answering several together if you wish.
  • You may choose to respond to overarching themes that appear to you.
  • This may be an easier option if you are printing pages or copy/pasting content into a Word/pages document.
Exploration Strategies

Special Circumstances:  Responses to Explorations

Inside this program we are using a sophisticated model of personality – Psychological Type – and we don’t ‘dumb it down’ as we know you’re an intelligent woman.  This is a program of self-discovery, and you will be invited to explore your style and your personality.   We believe that to create a personal style that is authentic at your core, you must understand yourself as well as your style preferences.  This is truly an inside out program.

What follows will not apply to everyone (perhaps not most), but we would like to ensure that those to whom it may apply have a clear view of how to proceed.

The program is not intended to be a substitute for counselling, and we cannot and don’t offer therapeutical support to individuals.  We want to make sure you are supported throughout the program so if you have a history of trauma, are dealing with any sort of mental or emotional disorder, are undergoing psychotherapy, are undertaking any course of prescribed medication which may affect your mental or psychological health or have any other condition that could be triggered by some of the material in the program that require some digging into the past (which impacts on your style choices today) and that require you to do some self-examination so you can gain a greater understanding of your personality,  please ensure you have additional support.  This support may be a health professional you can call on, or an understanding, supportive friend or family member.

Please take care as you progress through the program if you have additional or special needs.


A Deep Dive

Your Type of Style is an unusual blend of the light and the deep, the playful and the soul-searching, the enjoyable and the meaningful.

The deliberate design of this program invites you to participate at whatever level of depth suits you.

This is an intelligent program with no fluff or fillers and certainly no dumbing down.  A number of the Modules you’ll be participating in provide an opportunity for you to take a deep dive into your inner world.  How you wish to do this is entirely up to you.

You will find it beneficial to make some space and time to participate fully and also to allow some time around your explorations and self-discovery.  Sometimes the Modules take you to a place that requires some ‘sitting with’ feelings, thoughts, memories, and ideas.

How you experience this program will be unique – every woman has an individual response to the materials in each Module, including the Explorations and Playshops.  Some participants have found that some elements of the program encourage reflection and self-examination in a way they found illuminating, and at times surprising.  This program can go very deep!

best fit

Your Best Fit Style Type

In the Psychological Type world, we use the term “Best Fit Type” to indicate the four-letters that designate your psychological preferences.   Here’s some important things to consider about your Best Fit Style Type:

  1. You are not a Type.  You are a unique and beautiful individual who has a preference for a Type.   We don’t expect that you will find every word written about your Style Type to fit you perfectly.  About 80% is a good guide that you have found your Best Fit Style Type.
  2. Who you are as a person is influenced by many factors, including your education, your life situation, your culture, your expectations, and many other factors.  We explore this more in Module 1 in the Issues of Identity section.  Women of the same Style Type will not be exactly the same or will relate 100%  to all the descriptors of that Style Type.  You can still have identified your Best Fit Type if you don’t agree with everything said about it.
  3. Your Best Fit Type is what we call a Working Hypothesis – we assume it’s correct and we ‘test’ against it when we are exploring about our Type.  We expect to find more things that we agree with than not, if we truly are at Best Fit Type – but we don’t expect everything to “fit”.
  4. By participating in Your Type of Style you will have many, many opportunities to test your Best Fit Type, and confirm it really is your Best Fit.  Note, not a ‘perfect” fit – just Best.
  5. We know it’s Best Fit if you agree with more things than you disagree with when reading about it (that 80% we aim for) and also if it fits you better than any of the other 15 Style Types.
  6. If you feel that you are not at your Best Fit Type – you can repeat the process to see if you can find a better fit than the one you’d originally come up with.  Or you can book in a one-on-one coaching session with either Jill or Imogen to verify your type for an additional cost.


There’s more on Best Fit Type in this article of ours about Style Type as a lifelong guide to self-discovery.

Sharing the Journey

Sharing the Journey

You might find it valuable as you progress through the program to identify a style buddy whom you can share this journey with.  Finding someone else who is doing the program, whose feedback and input you trust and gives you the kind of input that you find most useful, can add a new layer of experience and learning to your participation in this program.

This is not a formal part of the program, and you don’t have to do it if you prefer not to or it doesn’t work for you for any reason.  We don’t pick this up at any other point throughout the program so it’s up to you if you want to do this:  to set it up in the first place and to put processes in place to keep this going throughout the program.

Don’t expect to find a buddy right at the start of the program, you might want to observe and interact on the Facebook group for a few months before you identify a buddy (if you do at all!).

If this idea appeals to you, consider asking someone else doing the program, most likely through your interactions on the Facebook Group, if they would be interested in being your style buddy. Keep it in mind that some people doing the program may be asked by more than one person to be their style buddy.

Also note that you will likely receive lots of feedback, responses, input and ideas from others on the Facebook Group – it’s designed to be a friendly, safe, supportive and stimulating place!


One-on-One Coaching

This program is in a DIY self-discovery format and has been specifically written and structured to put you in the driver’s seat of your own learning.

The Your Type of Style Facebook Group is a great place to get feedback and share thoughts, feelings, experiences, and ideas. Many participants find that the Group offers the right amount of support, insight, and responses to questions from other participants, together with the regular Facebook Live’s.

If you require additional support during the program, you may find that you’d benefit from one-on-one coaching to help answer your specific psychological type or style questions or to work through particular issues.

You can book a coaching session with either Jill or Imogen.

These sessions are online using Zoom meetings which you can use with any computer or mobile device.

You can book and pay for your one-on-one coaching session here on in the Membership Portal.

Book a One-on-One Coaching Session

Sharing Your Experiences

The Private Facebook Group is a safe place for you to share your experiences during the program.  This Group is optional and if you prefer not to join or participate, it’s entirely up to you.  Here’s what we’ve learned about sharing on the Facebook Group:

  • Each person will share at their own pace and in their own way.
  • Sharing is an excellent way to learn more and to get to your Ah-ha’s quicker.
  • Sharing will invite feedback, which can be extremely beneficial to understanding, including your style and yourself, and the style/self of others.
  • Sharing can provide a fantastic jumping off point for your own explorations, showing different ways of approaching a topic that you might not have thought of before.
  • Sharing can cause some people to feel vulnerable – it can expose important feelings, deficiencies in understanding, and challenges you’ve faced with your style and self-discovery.
  • Do remember that being vulnerable is a sign of strength and courage, and managing any vulnerabilities is an act of self-care.
  • We encourage self-awareness + healthy self-management.
  • It is important to understand what kind of feedback you prefer and to ask for it.
  • Commenting on others’ shares/posts is a form of participation.
  • You don’t need permission to not share, or to share.  Some Modules you may wish to share a lot, others not so much (or not at all).
  • The Facebook Group may become overwhelming for some –there can be a lot going on.  Filter it as you need to, but don’t opt out of the Facebook Group because of this, you could miss out on a valuable component of the program.
  • Please don’t tag Jill or Imogen in your posts – the group has a huge body of knowledge and part of the adult learning experience is group discussion and teaching others.  You learn by helping others with what you have learned.  You learn faster and go further when you are open to the experiences and thoughts of the whole group (not just its creators).

Facebook Group: Principles to Share By

Please abide by these principles when participating on the Facebook Group, which is intended as a safe and stimulating space to receive and offer support:

Be considerate.  Encourage and support others. No gossip or drama, and certainly no bullying, personal attacks, tantrums, or negativity.  Ask sincere questions – no sarcasm (too easy to misinterpret online), and offer any suggestions with a kind heart and open mind. When in doubt, re-read before posting.

Be positive.  Don’t put others down, whether that’s other teachers or programs, other participants (here or elsewhere), and certainly not this program, or Jill or Imogen – even in “subtle” or anonymized ways.  We have zero tolerance for negativity and disparagement of any kind: it’s toxic and spreads like a virus – not an environment anyone flourishes in.

Be self-managing.   Exercise good self-care and check any “spiked” or triggered emotions before posting.  When in doubt, let it sit awhile before posting.

Be generous.  Give more than you take. Be aware of any overly self-referential questions which don’t have any learning benefit for others and reframe before posting so it benefits more than just you. As a guide, give twice as much support and encouragement than you ask for.

Don’t promote, violate privacy, or spam. Don’t promote yourself or other programs the 16 Style Types creators have no affiliation with, don’t add anyone to your mailing list without permission, don’t steal ideas, and do not share anything you’ve read on the Group anywhere with anyone in any format.  Such violations of trust will kill the Group.


Terms Used in This Program

Authentic Style Pathway or Journey:  Describes the larger landscape in which your style journey is occurring.  It includes actions and attitudes, and also a general vibe and ambience – your authentic (and unique) style pathway has a particular feeling and tone to it.  An authentic style journey is one where you are being true to you – rather than blindly following fashion. Your style pathway is the steps you take to get there – the journey.  You define for yourself what your authentic style journey is, what it contains, and how you will approach it. Your authentic style journey will be dynamic and alive, as style is most definitely a journey – not a destination.  Explored in Modules 1 and 12.

Style Pillars:  Described in your Style Type Report are the four (4) style pillars that are most significant for a woman of your Style Type, a very clear linking of style concepts to psychological type concepts.  Each Style Type has a unique set of style priorities.  Explored in Module 2.

Style Values: The personal values that influence your approach to style and how you express it based on your style essence. Explored in Module 2.

Style Foundation:. Style values + style pillars = style foundation. Your style foundations are the strong platform on which your entire style journey is crafted.  Explored in Module 2.

Style Aesthetic:  A self-defined, refined statement of your style expression stemming from a deep connection to your style essence. This series of words can be a bridge between your style essence and your style expression. Explored in Module 3.

Style Essence:  The intrinsic, innate nature of your style, the quintessential qualities that your Style Type Report refers to. This is the very heart of “style + type”. This is an encompassing term, not referring to any one specific quality/aspect, but all of them combined. Your Style Type Report describes the style essence for a woman of your Style Type.  Forms the basis of the entire online membership program and is explored in many/most Modules in some way.

Style Expression: The umbrella term used for everything to do with how your style looks, how your style manifests into outfits, elements, and items – this is how you express your style.  Refers specifically to those things you choose to incorporate into your style which emanate from an understanding of your style essence. Explored in many Modules including Module 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and most specifically in Module 11.

You may find this article on Style Essence to Style Expression brings these two terms to life.

Style Blueprint: A guided pathway to developing and expressing your style from the inside (style essence as defined by your Style Type) out (your authentic style expression).  Four pages in your Style Type Report are devoted to defining and describing the four-phase style blueprint for a woman of your Style Type. Explored in Module 12.

A Word on Copyright

A Word on Copyright

A lot of work, time, energy, heart and money goes into creating and bringing this program to you.   This program represents our intellectual property and given the specific nature of this program, combining personality type and style, it is also material that literally does not exist elsewhere, not in its entirety.  For all these reasons, this program is unique and valuable.

How you treat the copyright of this program reflects your understanding and appreciation of the value of this program and its uniqueness, and all that time, work, energy, heart and money spent on our behalf to make this program available to you.

We invoke full copyright and ask you to please make note of copyright issues.

You have full personal access to use the materials, but not to distribute or reproduce any of the materials, in any form including partial formats.  This includes not passing along a copy of the materials to anyone else who hasn’t paid for them, or sharing your login details with others so they can download materials without paying for them.  That just isn’t cool.

When you purchased any product, program or other materials on the 16 Style Types website, you paid for one copy only for your personal use and enjoyment only.

Thank you for respecting the copyright of our materials.


Go Well On This Journey

Welcome again to Your Type of Style.  The goal of the this program is to bring your Style Type alive and to invite you into a series of explorations around your style and your personality, with your Style Type as your lens and touchstone.

In this 12 Module program, you will be invited to participate in a range of activities – Explorations –  with each module focused on various elements of style type, some more style focused, others more self-discovery focused through the lens of your psychological type.

The program is heavily participation-oriented, so your engagement with the material is crucial for you to gain the most from it.

Each of these 12 Modules is designed to empower you to explore your Style Type, and to chart and travel your own unique and authentic style pathway.

Welcome again!

©2025 16 Style Types


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