7 Dressing Styles and You

Section Progress:
dressing styles

Part 2 Module 5

Let’s continue our exploration of the 7 Dressing Styles and how you can access each of them in your own unique way.  You have access to all 7 Dressing Styles, but the way you will choose to put them to use in expressing your style will be like no other woman’s style expression!

In Part 1, you were provided with a lot more information on each of the 7 Dressing Styles (in addition to the material on Pages 10 and 11 in your Style Type Report).

In this part of Module 5 – Part 2 – we are going to explore what this all means for you.  Please have your Style Type Report at the ready – we’ll be referring to and using the material on Pages 10-13 as a jumping off point to explore how each of the Dressing Styles can be put to excellent use in your style expression, in addition to Part 1 of this Module.

Please note the content on Pages 12 and 13 of your Style Type Report is tailored and specific to a woman of your Style Type – this is NOT generic or universal Dressing Style information, but applied to you, as a woman of that Style Type.

We have designed this Exploration process to be enjoyable, so please take a smile with you into this exploration and be open to whatever you discover, there could be some lovely surprises for you! Remember to take your time, go at your own pace, and use yourself as your best style friend. Let’s get going!

Firstly, download Part 2 of Module 5 PDF so you can work through the explorations and playshops to really get a handle on your style expression.

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