Module Q&A Session Zoom Link
Here is the monthly call Zoom link –
Times/Dates are Melbourne/Australia (you can do a time/date conversion here).
9.30am July 17
9.30am August 21
Welcome and Housekeeping
Module 1
Module 2
Here is the link I mention in this video to Dario Nardi’s new work on the subtypes of each of the types if you’re interested in learning more
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Fashion continuum includes video Jill and I made and blog post
Edgy mature women we mention: Margaret Pomeranz and Lee Lin Chin
Jill mentions Justine Bateman and ageing
Module 6
Additional reading and resources:
Women Who Prefer Thinking: How Do You Know If You Prefer Thinking?
Thinking, Feeling and Harmony: A Study of Beautiful Difference
The “Car” model – from Personality Hacker
Module 7 Q&A
Module 8
Understanding more about your type and 3rd and 4th functions – Type in Mind has some good descriptions
Ethical Clothing Recycling
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12