Since the recent lockdowns and social-isolation requirements to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus, many of us are feeling totally out of sorts. Even the introverts who may enjoy spending time in isolation can find too much of a good thing is well… just too much, and our extravert family and friends are also finding not having their normal level of external stimulation stressful and draining them of energy.
The Style Types Team (Jane, Jill and Imogen) have gotten together to share some type based tips, strategies and ideas on how to help you find more balance in this time of uncertainty in the following two videos.
It’s important in this time of global pandemic to find something to be grateful for (there is much psychological research on the positive impact of a gratitude practice. Here are a few examples:
- You’re asked to stay home – if you can do this – you have a home to stay in – what a blessing this is as there are many in the world who don’t have this luxury.
- Is your family annoying you? How lucky you are to have a family!
- Suddenly got lots of time? How fantastic, you can complete all those “at home” projects that have been on your list.
In this video we discuss how your leading function may help you and also how you may be coping in this time, plus tips on how to create balance with other functions.
If you have found these useful or enlightening in any way, we’d love you to share them to your networks.
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Further Reading