Shopping – ah shopping! Even the word itself can evoke a raft of thoughts and emotions, can’t it? All of us need to shop, at least some of the time for some items. Some women love shopping for clothes and other appearance-related items, some women tolerate it or even dislike it, and others are somewhere in the middle of the Love It-Loathe It Shopping Spectrum.
It’s interesting to consider the way in which you shop. How do you shop? And how is the way you shop linked to your personality?
Here at 16 Style Types, we believe that shopping is one of those style activities that has a link to style. You see, shopping involves taking in information and making decisions: core aspects of Psychological Type, the personality model we have linked our 16 Style Types.
How do you shop?
The responses to this question from real women experiencing their real style have been grouped into the four Super Styles – a sensational way to explore your style using personality as your guide. There’s only four (4) groups, instead of the 16 Style Types so you stand back and take a big picture look at how you’re approaching your style through the lens of these four fabulous Styles: the SF Style Aesthetician, the ST Style Pragmatist, the NT Style Strategist, and the NF Style Dreamer.
Understanding your Super Style will give you the big picture of your style essence. To go deeper, you need to get a copy of your Style Type Report to dig into the details and specific information you need to chart then travel your own authentic style pathway.
In this series of posts exploring the Super Styles, we aggregate the responses to our Facebook post questions about style and share them with you to illustrate the way that each of the Super Styles goes about style. These are responses from real women talking about their real style – it’s fascinating!
How do you shop: Do you haul shop, or selectively look, pick & choose?
The Style Strategist – iNtuition and Thinking (NT)
- I look and look and look, usually decide I’d look drastic in everything or it’s too expensive, spend hours, then leave with nothing. Then some other day, I’ll be rushing along the street on my way to something. I’ll see something in a window, know it’s the ‘thing’, rush in, buy it (at whatever cost) and be thrilled. My whole wardrobe is like that. Anything I’ve planned and bought ‘properly’, I never wear. Occasionally, the ‘thing’ has been in a charity shop. £3, £300, fashionable, not, no matter — if it’s the ‘thing’ (INTP)
- I pick and choose (INTP)
- I prefer to haul shop in thrift stores. And occasionally in places like Old Navy on a huge % off day. In thrift shops I don’t usually try on; one bad experience made me gun shy. But in Eileen Fisher (and similar) I am absolutely selective and try it on and take photos of ‘the’ garment and its hangtags and troll eBay for the next months (INTP)
- Research/Stalk and then selectively shop (ENTP)
- Absolutely selective and often come home with nothing. I walk through the store rather quickly scanning unless I am on a mission such as finding new jeans or shoes. However if I find something by chance that is right then I buy it (ENTJ)
Read more about the NT Style Strategist Super Style here.
The Style Aesthetician – Sensing and Feeling (SF)
- I usually have a well planned and thought out list and budget. Ahead of time I research online which stores have what I’m looking for. I go try on and come home with only what works. Usually, shop for the season and only set foot in a store when I have too. This doesn’t count thrift stores (ISFJ)
- It depends on many factors: on the day, on who I’m with (alone or with others), at what I find, at how I’m feeling (which has sub-categories: how I’m feeling about myself, about my finances, about my wardrobe, about how stylish I am or am not, or could be – just to name a few of the ‘how I’m feeling’ sub-category). There are almost limitless factors come into the “outcome” of a shopping expedition! It’s never the same, either – one day it’s nothing, another shopping day it’s a lot, and everything in between (ESFJ)
- I haul shop and then return (ISFJ)
- It depends … if it’s with purpose and a list for something specific, usually, this isn’t at all fruitful, very frustrating and almost always disappointing. The best times are when I am on holiday, or just somewhere different I might see something I love but don’t need, that is where the treasures are found! One example, a beautiful caftan from Dubai, or last year walking past a small shop in France I saw a fabulous white lace dress in the window, it was a 10! My husband is also a great help to me, when he is relaxed he loves, shopping, he has great taste and knows what I like. (ISFP)
- My norm would be around 4 times a year at the beginning of each season. Bigger spring and fall with fill-ins in summer and winter. I am an opportunity shopper in that I do look for good sales from key brands and use expiring rewards where possible. But I don’t spend just to spend. I will return if doesn’t work or doesn’t fit the need. (ISFJ)
Read more about the SF Style Aesthetician Super Style here.
The Style Dreamer – iNtuition and Feeling (NF)
- Pick and choose (ENFJ)
- Selectively pick and choose with the exception of basics like t-shirts and slacks. When I find a good fitting one, I tend to buy all the colors that work for me. I’m trying to stop myself from doing this (ENFJ)
- Overthink, overthink some more, then buy exactly what I chose to get (INFJ)
- I pick and choose and then return because it’s never right (ENFJ)
- I’m selective about where, when, and how I shop. I have several favorite shops — mostly small, privately-owned stores, where I’ve come to know the staff and/or owner quite well. I rarely go in thinking ‘I need a long jacket to go with this top,’ I usually just go in and look for anything they have that really ‘looks like me.’ I did a haul shop about 20 years ago, before starting a new job that required suits and the kind of clothing I didn’t already own. I wound up with clothes that fit my body, and for the occasion, but didn’t fit my personality, my taste, or my comfort level. (INFP)
Read more about the NF Style Dreamer Super Style here.
The Style Pragmatist – Sensing and Thinking (ST)
- Haul shop and then return most of it (ISTJ)
- I used to haul shop and then most of it would go back, but these days I tend to be much more selective, picking and choosing only what I think will be an “8” or better, and then trying it on to make sure (ISTJ)
- I sometimes shop with a specific purpose in mind I need an item for a particular event or outfit. In that case, I go directly to the most likely store, and would only go to a second choice of store if I didn’t find what I was looking for. This happens maybe 4 to 5 times a year. The second option is when I am tagging along with my family or killing time while I am traveling. That is more of a window-shopping experience. If I scan a store and see a garment style or color story I like I will spend more time. Otherwise, I just walk by or do a quick scan. I would need to find something really interesting to be motivated to buy. Either way, I am always touching the fabrics, reading the care and content labels, looking at seam construction etc. (Sensory/Economic values). If I try something on it needs to fit and fit well. Although I can sew, I rarely have time for alterations. I do love a good price, and might peruse a few, but not all sales racks. If it is a foundation item that will get good use I am not above spending top dollar if needed. (ESTJ)
- I am always looking for that “perfect something” but when I get home lots of the items don’t measure up to what I already own, so many get taken back. (ESTP)
Read more about the ST Style Pragmatist Super Style here.
Further reading
How to Love Everything In Your Wardrobe More
Get the Full Details on Your Style Type in Your Style Type Report
Your Super Style gives you the broad strokes – your Style Type Report gives you the details you need to really make a shift in your style, including how you think and feel about your style, and what your style motivators are.
If you are already know your four-letter type, click here to get your Style Type report. If you are not 100% sure of your four-letter type, believe you may have been mistyped in the past, or simply wish to take a fresh look at what makes you, you – discover your Style Type here.