Do you prefer shopping alone or with others? Or do you enjoy both, but for different kinds of shopping and at different times?
Who do you prefer to shop with – just yourself or with others?
We asked this question on our Facebook Page and were intrigued to see some links at a Super Style level in the responses. Each of the four (4) Super Styles share the two middle letters, or function pairs. These function pairs are considered to be the core of type, and they are a great place to begin learning about types more in depth.
- Sensing and Feeling (SF) – this is the Style Aesthetician
- Sensing and Thinking (ST) – this is the Style Pragmatist
- iNtuition and Thinking (NT) – this is the Style Strategist
- iNtuition and Feeling (NF) – this is the Style Dreamer
Understanding your Super Style will give you a broad overview of what makes up the essence of your unique Style Type. tyle type is similar to a language. Just as you can look at the alphabet and then look at how pairs of letters sound together, you can look at type preferences and the way they impact each other when placed in pairs and groups.
In this series of posts we’ll be sharing the responses of our readers and participants in response to our Facebook posts on style topics as we experience them through the lens of Psychological Type, illustrating some of the similarities between the Super Styles.
Who do you shop with: Do you prefer to shop with friends or alone?
The Style Strategist – iNtuition and Thinking (NT)
- I go with someone else who shops for me and magically gets just the right items! (ENTJ)
- I am very quick and decisive in shops and I find others take a lot of time browsing and deliberating. I am impatient (INTJ)
- Definitely alone (INTJ)
- Alone (ENTP)
- I do not like shopping if it means spending hours in shopping centers. But it’s always alone. Quite often I go to specific shops where I know I can find something (ENTJ)
- Occasionally (once every few years) I like to try new things with my sister. Her coloring is different to mine – she’s Intriguing and my coloring is Enigmatic so it’s fun to see if we can spot those colors (INTP)
Read more about the NT Style Strategist Super Style here.
The Style Aesthetician – Sensing and Feeling (SF)
- Alone if I am looking for something because I’m quite focused and don’t want the distraction. I can “case” a store quickly to see if there is anything to try and if not I’m out and on to the next place. When I shop with others I’m often lingering and waiting (ESFJ)
- Alone (ISFJ)
- With friends, although I love shopping for other people, too (ISFP)
- Alone (ISFP)
- I enjoy both, but it’s a very different shopping experience whether I’m with others or by myself. Myself, I can ‘linger and loiter’ or be all business as I’m feeling it, but with others it’s all about the experience of being together – I might find something for myself, I might not, but it doesn’t really matter as it’s all about being with the other person (or people) and having a lovely time together (ESFJ)
Read more about the SF Style Aesthetician Super Style here.
Additional Reading
You may find Jill’s blog post Partners in Crime: How Who You Shop With Affects Your Shopping Behaviour an interesting read, and adds a new dimension to shopping companions.
The Style Dreamer – iNtuition and Feeling (NF)
- With others, I tend to focus more on them than on me (INFJ)
- Alone, definitely but any shopping companion is better than no shopping at all (INFP)
- With others as I really don’t trust my own judgment and it takes me way too long to make up my mind. That said, I only trust the judgment of a few people (INFJ)
- Both ways. I love helping other people find great things and have been known to help complete strangers. That being said, I love to shop and am pretty focused when I shop alone, I know what I’m looking for, and do a reconnaissance, then try things on in a bunch. I’m fairly systematic. And not swayed by salespeople (ENFJ)
- Alone to wander around to see what’s there and what might be possible and then with a friend who reads the labels and asks the right questions (INFP)
- Mainly alone unless with a couple of trusted friends, one at a time though (INFP)
- Alone for sure (INFP)
- Alone unless it’s an outfit for an important occasion (ENFP)
- Happy alone but love shopping with the right people (INFP)
- Alone! Others never understand that I am focused on certain mental criteria and can walk out of a store after two minutes! (ENFP)
- Alone I guess, it has never occurred to me to shop with friends! (INFJ)
- Both (ENFP)
Read more about the NF Style Dreamer Super Style here.
The Style Pragmatist – Sensing and Thinking (ST)
- Alone!! (ISTJ)
- Alone (ISTJ)
- Alone (ESTJ)
Read more about the ST Style Pragmatist Super Style here.
Get the Full Details on Your Style Type in Your Style Type Report
If you want to go beyond the broad strokes, make sure to get your Style Type Report as it will provide you with the motivating details to really make a shift in your style, including how you think and feel about your style, and what your style motivators are – the difference that makes the difference.
If you are already know your four-letter type, click here to get your Style Type report. Otherwise you can discover your Style Type here.