Warm-hearted harmonizers, ESFJs enjoy the company of others and being involved in projects and pursuits they care deeply about. Their style essence balances the desire to look good (and feel good about how they look) with the need to be taken seriously in important contexts such as work and career. The ESFJ flair for style can sometimes be perceived as frippery, and this can inadvertently disadvantage an ESFJ with something to say.
ESFJ Style Essence
With a driving need for harmony – with others, with their environment, with the task at hand – ESFJs often can’t function well in a world with too much open disruption or naked conflict. This applies to their style approach as well, seeking a style approach and look that encourages collaboration, of sharing, of connection. Anything that jars or gets in the way of peaceful (and often energetic) communion with others is never going to be part of the ESFJs style ‘vocabulary’.
Style Counts for ESFJs
Possibly before she was even conscious of it, the ESFJ knows that style counts, it matters, it’s significant. Style means something, even if it’s merely on a personal level as something to be enjoyed, savoured, relished in. But if important things are afoot – career goals, project outcomes, job deliverables – then the ESFJ knows even more that her style must be right.
ESFJs Love to Help You with Your Style
Helpers in so many senses of the word, ESFJs pay this forward into the style arena. Contributing to other’s style is something they often love to do, whether it’s offering a compliment to a colleague, providing an opinion to a fellow shopper, or helping a friend review and refine her entire wardrobe. ESFJs are often asked not only for style input by friends but also strangers – there’s a friendliness to this style advice that makes it easy for others to digest and take on board.
The Charming Stylist, ESFJ: The Style Adviser
ESFJs Curate a Signature Style
The effort that goes into the ESFJ style is often not entirely grasped by others. Stylish ESFJs often expend uncountable hours and energy thinking and feeling about and acting on, their style – it’s considered fun. And many create a signature style that is instantly recognizable by others. This provides the ESFJ with a sense of much-needed continuity – stability that she craves in other areas of her life as well.
Get the Detail on Your ESFJ Style Type
Discover your ESFJ Style Type in depth with your detailed ESFJ Style Type Report (of 30 pages plus your blueprint to improve your style). If you are familiar with your four-letter type, click here to get your Style Type report. If you are not 100% sure of your four-letter type, take our Type Questionnaire and discover your Style Type here.