Autonomous and analytical, the INTJ approach to life is a curious one, always seeking answers to the big question of “why”. When applied to style, the INTJ style essence balances the need for independence and doing it their own way in their own time, with the need to present an appealing and attractive look. Whilst never flashy, INTJs definitely want to look good – they want to be competent at everything they set their minds to, and style is no exception.
INTJ Style Essence
Independence Day
Of all the Style Types, INTJs are amongst the most self-sufficient. They choose rather than require – their needs are so self-directed and -defined. Applied to their style, this can result in an unexpected look being pulled together from regular (perhaps inexpensive) items, or in not wanting to tell everyone (or even anyone) where they found the pieces they’re wearing. More sharing Style Types may find them secretive.
INTJs Unlock Style
With their scientific approach to most things, style is a puzzle to be solved, a dilemma to be demystified. With a thirst for knowledge combined with a drive to do, the stylish INTJ approach to style is both analytical and unyielding – once she’s decided she wants to be competent in the style arena, she won’t stop learning and applying until she has mastered it to the level she finds satisfying.
INTJs Take Insightful Leaps
Able to find connections between the seemingly disparate and dislocated, INTJs excel at making insightful leaps across cavernous spaces. In the style arena, this manifests as the ability to connect style concepts from a variety of sources – from fashion blogs to television shows, books from bygone eras to a tribal artefact exhibition at the local art gallery – and to use that connected information to make informed style decisions.
The Independent Stylist, INTJ: The Style Scientist
INTJs are Problem Solvers Par Excellence
Terrific problem solvers, INTJs are quick-witted in their approach to many things, including style – if they choose to. Unrestrained by previous approaches to style, the INTJ will apply their big picture curiosity to their own style – or the style of others if there’s a good reason to – and the result will be a quiet innovation.
Get the Low-Down on Your INTJ Style Type
Discover your INTJ Style Type in depth with your insightful INTJ Style Type Report (of 30 pages including a blueprint on how to improve your style in an authentic way). If you are familiar with your four-letter type, click here to get your Style Type report. If you are not 100% sure of your four-letter type, take our Type Questionnaire and discover your Style Type here.