When it comes to communicating confidence and ability, what you wear plays an important role in creating positive feelings about yourself, as well as positive first impressions with others. The next time you admire a person’s personal image or feel yourself sizing her up or even feeling a little jealous because she looks so good, ask yourself “What is it about her, and her look, that I admire?” These women catch your eye because they do it in the most authentic way.
For these most stylish of women, authentic style is an internal feeling they exude through their clothing choices. Their style and themselves are indivisible. They dress to express an essential part of themselves. Style is more than the right garment or accessory at the right time.
As you read this piece, one in our series of posts exploring the Super Styles based on responses to style questions on our Facebook Page, you may find yourself reflecting on what would the most stylish version of yourself think about?
These posts are based on the responses of real women experiencing their real style. Understanding your Super Style will give you a broad overview of what makes up the essence of your unique Style Type.
What would the most stylish version of yourself think about?
The Style Strategist – iNtuition and Thinking (NT)
- My most stylish self would be thinking about all sorts of things, but not clothes, style, or fashion. She would not need to think much about style because she would have mastered all the relevant theories and integrated those theories into practice. (INTP)
- Which side of the line between fabulous and over the top is this outfit? (INTJ)
- Ha ha ha! What would I NOT be thinking about?? I am currently trying to analyze what you might mean by this question…. (INTP)
- I’d be thinking what to tackle next and how to set up a system to maintain a stylish version of myself. (ENTJ)
Read more about the NT Style Strategist Super Style here.
The Style Aesthetician – Sensing and Feeling (SF)
- How can I further refine my curated closet so it reflects who I am today and what my life is all about? How can my style continue to feed my sense of self? How can I be happy with what I have? (ESFJ)
- What should I buy next on my wish list? What excites me? (ESFP)
- My most stylish self would think about style and clothes as much as I do now and also spend time on surfing for fashion looks and trends, because it us such a fun. The main difference to my normal self is, that it would definitely know, what feels like me, what is my best look for current mood and occasion and still shows ME. (ESFJ)
Read more about the SF Style Aesthetician Super Style here.
The Style Dreamer – iNtuition and Feeling (NF)
- I usually think about what I could add or change to an item to be fabulous and what colour would express me best in it. (ENFP)
- I would be thinking that I have every eventuality covered outfits-wise so what adventures are waiting for me around the corner? (INFP)
- My most stylish self would be looking forward to upcoming events with less angst than usual, because I’d have options for every possible kind of event. (INFJ)
- Please define stylish…(INFJ)
- How can I be stylish today without being too stylish (or uncomfortable)? (INFP)
Read more about the NF Style Dreamer Super Style here.
The Style Pragmatist – Sensing and Thinking (ST)
- When I could schedule a depilling session of my cashmere? (ISTJ)
- It probably wouldn’t be style because I’d have that totally under control and it would be like a second nature to me. (ISTJ)
- How can I be comfortable and look good (to that day’s needs) then get out and into my day? (ISTP)
Read more about the ST Style Pragmatist Super Style here.
Further reading
All My Best Tips and Inspiration for Putting Together Stylish Outfits
Get the Full Details on Your Style Type in Your Style Type Report
Your Super Style gives you the broad strokes – your Style Type Report gives you the details you need to really make a shift in your style, including how you think and feel about your style, and what your style motivators are.
If you are already know your four-letter type, click here to get your Style Type report. If you are not 100% sure of your four-letter type, believe you may have been mistyped in the past, or simply wish to take a fresh look at what makes you, you – discover your Style Type here.