What informs your shopping? Are you using particular information gathered for the purpose of shopping, or are you going on inspiration?
Getting clearer on how you shop — and how it’s working for you or not — is an important piece of the style puzzle. In this series of posts exploring the Super Styles we ask key style questions of real women exploring their real style and look for themes in their answers.
The four Super Styles capture the information we trust and how we make decisions– the heart and soul of type. And naturally there’s a clear link to shopping there — shopping involves taking in information and making information, often over and over again.
The four Super Styles are the two middle letters of a person’s psychological type: Sensing and Feeling (SF) – the Style Aestheticians, Sensing and Thinking (ST) – the Style Pragmatists, iNtuition and Thinking (NT) – the Style Strategists, and iNtuition and Feeling (NF) – the Style Dreamers.
Shopping – by inspiration or information?
The Style Strategist – iNtuition and Thinking (NT)
- Information inspires me (INTP)
- Well you know… Information (INTP)
- If it doesn’t make sense, it won’t work so it’s information (ENTJ)
Read more about the NT Style Strategist Super Style here.
The Style Aesthetician – Sensing and Feeling (SF)
- Both! (ESFP)
- It’s always a combination – information from my closet (what gaps are there, what would make certain pieces work better, what might be wearing out, and so on) but then inspiration when I’m out and about shopping (what am I drawn to, what’s there, what’s in my colours and that suits my body shape, and so on) – it’s never just one or the other but a real meshing of the two (ESFJ)
- Information through reading but then inspiration I suppose in trying out what I like (ISFJ)
- A combination. Information usually looking at trends/forecasts but then inspiration on how to incorporate these items into my existing wardrobe and all the combinations I can create. I’m able to do that standing at the rack or viewing online with the item and yet conger up clothes in my closet and how I could combine them together in my head to create multiple looks (ESFJ)
Read more about the SF Style Aesthetician Super Style here.
The Style Dreamer – iNtuition and Feeling (NF)
- Inspiration and information if I need something specific (INFP)
- Necessity drives inspiration. I realize I need something, head to my handful of sources I like, and am inspired by what I see, knowing that if they have it and it ticks my other boxes, it’ll work… (INFJ)
- Mainly inspiration (ENFP)
- Inspiration (ENFP)
- Inspiration usually. Especially when I visualize how the piece will look with the rest of my wardrobe. If it’s wearable art eg. My fluffy poncho or silk and felted poncho, I just go for it. Mmm maybe a bit of a theme with arty ponchos. Lol! (INFP)
- Inspiration…Seeing a look I like, picturing it at the event, it inspires me…(ENFJ)
- Inspiration. My ability to think and take in information disappears the second I walk into the store. Or seems that way (INFP)
Read more about the NF Style Dreamer Super Style here.
The Style Pragmatist – Sensing and Thinking (ST)
- Information (ISTJ)
- Information (ISTP)
- Information (ESTJ)
Read more about the ST Style Pragmatist Super Style here.
Further reading
How To Have A Successful Shopping Trip
What Do You Naturally Notice? Advice for Each of the 16 Style Types
Get the Full Details on Your Style Type in Your Style Type Report
Your Super Style gives you the broad strokes – your Style Type Report gives you the details you need to really make a shift in your style, including how you think and feel about your style, and what your style motivators are.
If you are already know your four-letter type, click here to get your Style Type report. If you are not 100% sure of your four-letter type, believe you may have been mistyped in the past, or simply wish to take a fresh look at what makes you, you – discover your Style Type here.