A reader asked us an intriguing question about how our Style Type influences what we notice:
I just finished listening today to a podcast about getting things done and the power of thinking about outcomes. One of the topics covered was focus and the how and why of it in brain science.This made me think of you at 16 Style Types because I wondered if that’s something that is linked to style – what does each Type notice in the style of people around them? For example, for INFP’s it might be uniqueness – where do you see someone wearing something unique and why does it appeal to you?
I wonder if helping people to notice the right things might move them forward in finding style that fits them well.
We thought this was a great idea and so have put together this post which highlights key aspects for each of the 16 Style Types and what they naturally pick up on when it comes to style.
Some of what we encourage each Style Type to notice are tangible things — particular aspects of style that you can see, touch, and wear. Other suggestions are intangible – attitudes and approaches which you can’t see, touch, or wear but impact on style nevertheless, and often in significant ways.
Each element — the seen and the unseen — is powerful. It’s one of the things which makes our approach here at 16 Style Types so different: we aren’t focused exclusively on what to wear or even how to wear it, as much as we are on helping you get in touch with the essence of who you are, and from that place of internal strength and knowledge, to express your style in a way that only you can.
Remember that style essence and style expression are two separate concepts here at 16 Style Types – when you can differentiate between them and approach your style “first things first” (style essence before style expression) that is when your style truly comes alive and you become the most stylish version of yourself.
Remember, too, that you’re not dressing a mannequin — you’re dressing a uniquely beautiful, dynamic, alive and intelligent being – you!
We have organized this Article by the four Super Styles of
- The Style Aestheticians – the Sensing-Feeling (SF) Style Types
- The Style Pragmatists – the Sensing-Thinking (ST) Style Types
- The Style Strategists – the iNtuition-Thinking (NT) Style Types
- The Style Dreamers – the iNtuition – Feeling (NF) Style Types
The Style Aestheticians – Sensing Feeling Style Types
These four SF Style Types are seeking and naturally notice beauty + practicality.
Harmonious Stylist ISFJ
Our ISFJ friends are gentle souls who seek harmony. They’re on the lookout for style rules which can be applied to create a harmonious impression, always appropriate, and allowing them to fit in seamlessly with any situation.
They are seeking out a style which supports their need to gently connect in with the people they care about – following some fashion trends as a means of being ‘alike’ and blending into their social circles.
Charming Stylist ESFJ
Our ESFJ friends are optimistic souls who like to be involved. They’re tuned into many forms of a visually appealing aesthetic which bring their style alive. Colors that coordinate, attractive accessories, clothing that harmonizes – they’re on the lookout for all the pieces which, combined, create a chic approachability.
With a natural flair for style, others (sometimes including complete strangers) are often interested in their opinion on their style, and they are happy to share.
Whimsical Stylist ISFP
Our ISFP friends are compassionate, often artistically inclined souls. They’re scanning for playful, sometimes quirky, possibly off-beat, unexpected, and curious aspects of style. If it’s fun and light-hearted, if there’s a flowing aspect to it, they can add it to their style.
With an artistic bent but always with a practical concreteness, there’s a ‘wearable art’ quality to their style. Their style comes alive when they pay attention to creating original, unique ensembles.
Vivacious Stylist ESFP
Our ESFP friends are outgoing and playful souls. A naturally outgoing nature draws people to them, and they love to express this in their style – fun and often exciting colors, textures, accessories, combinations and other details they weave into a gorgeous outfit.
They’re seeking joy in their style – it’s a pleasure to pay attention to their style and they enjoy looking good. They’re scanning for a playful attitude to add to their style choices.
The Style Pragmatists – Sensing Thinking Style Types
These four ST Style Types are seeking and naturally notice function + efficiency.
Appropriate Stylist ISTJ
Our ISTJ friends are conscientious and meticulous souls. They have a fundamental need to know and follow the style rules so they’re on the lookout for a systematic and structured approach to style; subscribing to the appropriate style conventions is important to them.
Priding themselves on having an orderly and structured wardrobe and set of style processes, the are meticulously attuned to style details to help them create attractive yet often low-key outfits.
Effective Stylist ESTJ
Our ESTJ friends are high-energy and efficient souls. They are doers so are actively looking for specific, required style information which can be applied effectively and quickly. If they can also set themselves up to take preventative action and avoid wasted effort, that’s a great bonus in helping them pull together a polished style.
They’re looking for classic, quality pieces with simple lines, no-fuss accessories that add a twist, never flouting convention.
Individualistic Stylist ISTP
Our ISTP friends are easy-going, down-to-earth souls. They are independent, adventurous and spontaneous by nature and what they most require in their style is the freedom to put together outfits that are a little bit different and a lot that is comfortable.
They are not drawn to standing out or fitting in but instead to striking their own path, walking to the beat of their own style drum, adapting items to suit their context and meet their emerging needs.
Resourceful Stylist ESTP
Our ESTP friends are flexible and action-oriented souls. They have an adaptable approach to style with a lively and fun attitude. They are on the lookout for a variety of style resources, some unexpected and unusual, to create unique and always pragmatic ensembles.
Adventurous and happy ‘coloring outside the style lines’, items that can be upcycled and reworked to create something new are always exciting.
The Style Strategists – iNtuitive Thinking Style Types
These four NT Style Types are seeking and naturally notice versatility + performance.
Independent Stylist INTJ
Our INTJ friends are level-headed and logical souls. With a visionary, questioning and autonomous approach to style, they’re seeking unique ensembles with original elements or themes.
They want to discover the ‘why’ of style, to gain insight and to continuously develop their style knowledge, so aren’t seeking ‘cookie cutter’ solutions which won’t sustain their style.
Standout Stylist ENTJ
Our ENTJ friends are bold and confident souls. With a direct and take-charge attitude to their life and style, they have a natural confidence when in the limelight and in other important spheres of their life. They seek and need striking, bold pieces that draw attention.
Best when in charge of their style, they notice style pieces which influence and allow them to achieve their outcomes.
Complex Stylist INTP
Our INTP friends are analytical souls who seek logical purity. With an analytical and multi-faceted approach to life, problem-solving, and ultimately their style, they approach style as an interesting maze to investigate.
Not drawn to automatically conforming to society’s conventions, they are on the lookout for the underlying principles which make something work – adding to their storehouse of style knowledge.
Enterprising Stylist ENTP
Our ENTP friends are big-picture thinking souls. Big, bold ideas and initiatives inspire their life and guide their style choices. They are attuned to whole-of-concept style approaches which are resourceful, may be risky at times, that give them impact. They may challenge style norms they don’t agree with or debate style rules.
They are on the lookout for anything which allows them to change their look to suit the situation and create a specific impression, often transforming their look entirely.
The Style Dreamers – iNtuitive Feeling Style Types
These four NF Style Types are seeking and naturally notice value + comfort.
Subtle Stylist INFJ
Our INFJ friends are perceptive and insightful souls. With an understated style expression aligned with their values, they are seeking one-of-a-kind items which work together well. Inspiring pieces always keep style interesting.
They can defy definition with their natural reserve creating something of a mist (mystery) between them and the rest of the world. Style-wise, they’re on the lookout for opportunities to add unique pieces or elements so as not to be defined by a particular fashion moment, whilst picking up on style no-no’s that simply won’t work for them.
Expressive Stylist ENFJ
Our ENFJ friends are pioneering, engaging souls. With a drive to communicate and to have an impact, they’re seeking style as a way to engage with others and get the conversation or keep the momentum going. An unusual accessory may spark a comment, or an appropriate ensemble may focus attention on the task at hand.
They are looking for style items which aid them in enthusiastically engaging others. They’re adept at adapting their ensembles to make the connections with those around them happen easily.
Eclectic Stylist INFP
Our INFP friends are sensitive, idealistic souls. Trend-resistant by nature, their wardrobe is full of intriguing and loved pieces collected from a myriad of sources over many years. There could literally be anything in there.
They put their outfits together in a way that is unique and inspiring to them, creating uncopiable ensembles that often defy convention.
Charismatic Stylist ENFP
Our ENFP friends are possibilities-focused souls. Their clothing choices supports their natural presence and contagious enthusiasm but may not speak too loudly in themselves. Sartorial subtlety works for them – flamboyant is simply not required, they’re a big enough personality without too much glitz added to the mix.
Style is one of their many strategies to inspire. They often enjoy simple basics with unique touches and details, creating their own unique ‘uniform’.
Words by Jill Chivers
Images by Imogen Lamport